Page 41 - Las Vegas LVQR Market Research Report Q1 2024
P. 41

Colliers   3
         Las Vegas  24Q1

         Residential Land                                       Residential Sales Volume vs. PPSF

         Home sales in the first two months of 2024 totaled 5,263 units, a   Sales Volume ($MM)  Price Per SF
         17.4% increase from the same period in 2023. Home builders
         pulled 2,496 residential permits in the first two months of 2024,   $300.0                       $25.00
         up 48.2% from 2023. Multifamily developers had 9,655 units
         under construction, and an additional 12,523 units planned.   $250.0
         Residential land sales totaled 304 acres with sales volume of
         $256.8 million in the first quarter. The average sales price of   $200.0
         residential land was $19.39 psf, a 31.5% increase from the                                       $15.00  Sales Volume
         average price of $14.75 psf one year ago.                Price Per SF  $150.0
         Residential land sales were strongest in the Summerlin (88.5                                     $10.00
         acres), Henderson (74.7 acres) and Southwest (67.7 acres)   $100.0                                     ($MM)
         submarkets this quarter. The Summerlin submarket had the
         highest sales price for residential land, at $30.55  psf.  $50.0                                 $5.00
         With median home prices, both new and existing, remaining
         elevated, home builders have ample motivation to build, and thus   $0.0                          $0.00
         to purchase residential land for future developments.            23q1  23q2   23q3  23q4  24q1
         Forecast                                               Source: Colliers International

         While demand for commercial and industrial-zoned land was not
         terribly strong ove the past year, demand for residential-zoned
         land appeared to be recovering. We think residential-zoned land
         will continue to dominate the land market through 2024.

        Market Health

         Data Point                                    20q1         21q1         22q1         23q1         24q1
         Commercial Building Occupancy                90.9%         90.1%        91.8%        92.9%        93.0%

         Commercial Future Development (Acres)        846.92       808.61       709.58        168.38      1,018.89
         Hospitality Occupancy                        70.8%         34.8%        69.7%        83.2%        83.0%
         Hospitality Future Development (Acres)       271.09        95.75       104.02        80.26        17.92

         Industrial Building Occupancy                95.6%         94.5%        98.3%        98.5%        95.2%
         Industrial Future Development (Acres)       1,524.25      1,535.42     3,790.62     1,483.65     6,512.80
         New Home Sales (Units)                        2,387        2,732        3,060        2,486         n/a

         Taxable Sales ($ billions)                   $10.46       $11.56       $14.26        $15.49        n/a
         Employment (000's)                           1,083.6       979.6       1,046.5      1,094.2      1,130.7

        Source: Colliers International

       Colliers | Las Vegas | 24Q1 | Land Report
   36   37   38   39   40   41   42   43   44