Page 117 - PPP - Area 4
P. 117

6. GRADUATE SCHOOL OFFICE – Submit Enrolment Form “Dean’s
                       Copy” to the Graduate School Office.

                       7. UNIVERSITY LIBRARY – Present your enrolment form “student copy” &
                       secure a Library card/Barrowers card (Mrs Jocelyn Salviejo).

                       8.  INTERNET  ROOM/  SCHOOL  I.D  –  Present  your  enrolment  form
                       “student copy” to the Internet Administrator & have your picture taken
                       (Mr. Rucky Hapchayan)

                       9. REGISTRAR OFFICE – Submit your enrolment form “registrar’s copy” &
                       secure class card/s - WINDOW 1

                                                ENROLLMENT PROCEDURE
                                                     GRADUATE SCHOOL
                                                        OLD STUDENTS

                       1. REGISTRAR OFFICE – Secure an admission slip at the Registrar’s Office
                       WINDOW 1 - Mrs. Vicky Changiwan

                       2.  GRADUATE  SCHOOL  OFFICE  –  Submit  admission  slip  &  fill  out  an
                       enrolment form (COE); present the duly accomplished form to the Dean
                       for signature.

                       REMINDER: Refer to the schedule of course posted at the Graduate School

                       Proceed to #3 - #9

                              The university strictly administer the following steps to facilitate the
                       admission among the students of IFSU. It is the practice of the university
                       to  have  codes  of  every  subject  in  order  to  easily  determine  the  offered
                       subjects with the corresponding instructor/professor.

                              ADMISSION PROCEDURE

                       1. Pay Testing Fee of 150.00 at the Accounting Office.
                       2. Proceed to the Office of the Guidance Counselor and show the Official
                           Receipt for the Entrance Examination.
                       3.  Proceed to the School Clinic for the Certification of Physical Fitness.
                       4.  Submit the Admission Requirements to the Registrar’s Office:
                              a.  Certification of Interview
                              b.  Certification of Physical Fitness
                              c.  One (1) piece of Long folder

                              In terms of the Retention Policies, the university structured three (3)
                       Academic  Retention  Policies/guidelines.  Conditional,  Warning  and
                       Extreme.  Based from the given three guidelines, a student who at the end
                       of the semester obtains final grades below ‘75” or its equivalent in 100%
                       of  the  total  number  of  academic  units  in  which  he  is  enrolled  maybe
                       readmitted  unless  recommended  by  the  DSSD  and  approved  by  the
                       Campus Director/Vice President for Academic Affairs.
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