Page 116 - PPP - Area 4
P. 116

  Original copy of Certificate of Good Moral (GMRC)

                         Xerox of NSO Birth Certificate

                         Xerox of Marriage Certificate (for married students)

                         3 pieces 2X2 I.D. Picture (white background only)

                         1 piece LONG FOLDER (white or brown only)

                       Proceed to #3 - #9

                                                ENROLLMENT PROCEDURE
                                                     GRADUATE SCHOOL
                                                        NEW STUDENTS

                       1. GRADUATE SCHOOL OFFICE – Present requirements to the Dean for


                         Original copy of Transcript of Records (OTR)

                         Xerox of Marriage Certificate (for married students)

                         1 piece LONG FOLDER (white or brown only)

                         Accomplished Admission Form (Graduate School)  with 2X2 I.D. Picture
                          (white background only)

                       2. REGISTRAR OFFICE – Submit all requirements to the Registrar Office
                       WINDOW 1 – Mrs. Vicky Changiwan and get an admission slip.

                       3.  GRADUATE  SCHOOL  OFFICE  –  Submit  admission  slip  &  fill  out  an
                       enrolment form (COE); present the duly accomplished form to the Dean
                       for signature.

                       REMINDER: Refer to the schedule of course posted at the Graduate
                       School Office.

                       4. REGISTRAR OFFICE – Present the accomplished enrolment form (COE)
                       to the Registrar office for ENCODING of subjects. WINDOW 1

                       5.    ACCOUNTING  OFFICE  –  Present  the  form  to  the  CASH
                       Section/CASHIER for validation and payment of fees; don’t forget to ask
                       for an OFFICIAL RECEIPT (O.R.)
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