Page 121 - PPP - Area 4
P. 121
To ensure a completed
systematic and academic
orderly requirements, etc.);
management of Evaluation forms
student (official list of
records; subjects already
To prepare a taken by the
periodic report student with the
on the corresponding
statistical data grades obtained);
as to enrolment Transfer
and academic credentials;
performance of Authentication of
the students. Pertinent
Diploma; and
Rating slips.
8.University To support the Technical Services 500,000 Using
Library instructional, which includes Instrument
curricular, acquisition, to
research and organization evaluation
extension (classification and the section
programs of the cataloguing, etc) on Student
University preparation and Affairs
through an preservation of
organized, materials ;
relevant and Readers Services;
fast delivery of Photocopying
information Services;
services; Promotional
To select and Services; and
acquire library Referral Services
materials to
the academic
and other
concerns of the
To provide
individual and
assistance to
readers in the
use of the
To encourage
reading habit of
faculty and
staff by means
of current
services and
To develop