Page 72 - PPP - Area 4
P. 72

student understand                 counselling,
                                        himself, plan, make his            peer
                                        own decisions and cope             counselling,
                                        with his problems                  follow-up and

                    4.                  Administers Psychological          Periodic           School
                    Psychological       tests to students to assist        testing and        Year-round
                    Testing and         them to become aware of            when
                    Interpretations  their potentials, interest,           necessary
                                        values, attitudes and
                                        intellectual capacities

                    5. Information  Provision of relevant                  Conducting         School
                    Service             materials to students to           trainings and      Year-round
                                        enhance their knowledge            workshops
                                        and awareness on personal,
                                        social development, work-          Visitation
                                        related issues and job-
                                        hunting tips and current
                                        educational career trends
                                        through the conduct of
                    6. Career           Provision of opportunities         Initiated          School
                    Development         like seminars, symposia,           activities like    Year-round
                    and Placement  job fairs and career                    job placement
                    Services            counselling to students to         and career
                                        enable them to be aware of         orientation
                                        opportunities relative to          program
                                        their career and vocational
                                        interests and goals
                    7.    Follow-up  Conducting regular updates  Followed-up                  School
                    Service             and researches on the              activities and     Year-round
                                        whereabouts and progress           monitored
                                        of school leavers and              students’
                                        monitor presently enrolled         performances
                                        students on their school
                                        performance                        Open fora

                    8.      Referral  Initiation  and  maintenance  Maintained                School
                    Service             of  a  helping  relationship  referral                Year-round
                                        with  other  agencies  for  services to
                                        referral  of  cases  which  are  other agencies
                                        considered       beyond      the
                                        scope  of  expertise  of  the  Dialogs
                    9.    Guidance  The  center  shall  extend  Extended                      School
                    Extension           noble  services  to  other  guidance and              Year-round
                    Services            communities  and  schools  counselling
                                        through outreach activities,  activities
                                        gift  giving  and  conduct  of  outside the
                                        seminars and trainings             campus

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