Page 75 - PPP - Area 4
P. 75

Student  handbook  development  should  be  done  with  mechanisms  to

               archive and retrieve previous student handbooks for purposes of improving the

               same handbook.

                       A representative from student body must be included in the development

               and revision of student handbook.

               3. OUTCOMES
                     Evidences that quality student welfare services are made available
                       for all students.

                   1.  The Information and Orientation of Students annually conducted under

                       the  initiative  of  the  Guidance  Counselor  and  the  Chairperson  of

                       Department of Student Services and Development (DSSD). The programs

                       usually  be  done  for  one  to  two  days  to  inform  the  students  about  the

                       existing policies, guidelines and rules of the university.

                   2.  After  the  Orientation  and  information  Program,  all  the  freshman  and

                       transferees will be given Student Manual by the DSSD Chairperson.

                   3.  The Student Handbook is made available and being discussed during the

                       General Orientation Program.

                   4.  Guidance  and  Counselling  program  plays  a  vital  role  in  serving  the

                       students of the university. This center of the Student Services help the

                       students during admission, counselling and other related task.

                   5.  The  Guidance  Counselor  conducted  counselling  sessions  to  assist

                       students  understand  themselves  about  the  occurrence  of  problems.

                       During the counselling, the student and the guidance counsellor planned

                       and  make  necessary  adjustments  to  cope  up  with  the  problems  of  the

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