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                     Institutional policies and guidelines on recognition, accreditation,
                       monitoring  and  evaluation  of  student  organizations/projects  and

                     Excerpt from the Student Manual, Approved BOR Resolution No. 294

                                                       July 12, 2013

                       The Student organization and Activities shall be managed by the section
                   head, under the direct supervision of the DSSD Director.

                       Goals and Objectives

                       1.  To enhance the growth of student as individuals and members of the
                          academic  community  by  encouraging  the  formation  of  different
                          student clubs and organizations within the University.
                       2.  To complement the academic and curricular growth and development
                          of the students through various student projects and activities such
                          as sports fest, academic festivals and the like.

                      Requirements for Accreditation of Students Clubs/Organizations

                       1.  Proposed  Calendar  of  Activities  and  Action  Plan  of  the  Organization
                          for the School Year;
                       2.  Constitution by-Laws of the club/organization;
                       3.  Letter of acceptance of the faculty adviser chosen by the officers and
                          members of the club/organization;
                       4.  Accomplishment Report; and
                       5.  Financial Report
                       6.  All  above  requirements  are  required  for  student  organizations
                          requesting for re-accreditation.

                       Guidelines on the Operation of student Clubs/Organizations

                              1.  The  different  clubs  and  organizations  are  bounded  by  the
                                 University  standards  to  follow  the  Rules  and  Regulations
                                 Governing Organized Student Activities (RRGOSA);

                              2.  The  Department  of  Student  Services  and  Development
                                 facilitates the accreditation of Student Organizations.

                              3.  A certificate of Accreditation for the school year is issued to a
                                 student  club/organization  upon  approval  of  its  request  for
                                 accreditation.    Such  certificate  is  duly  signed  by  the  DSSD

                              4.  Any planned activity should be reported to the DSSD Director
                                 one week before the scheduled activity and to submit an Activity
                                 accomplishment Report within one week after the activity;
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