Page 84 - PPP - Area 4
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various concepts relative to writing news, features, columns, sports
articles, editorial, cartooning, copy reading and headline writing,
broadcasting, photojournalism and captioning and any related works
about the journalism. Moreover, they shall be abreast with the current
issues in the different fields of journalism
Institutional guidelines on student discipline.
Excerpt from the Student Manual
Approved BOR Resolution No. 294 July 12, 2013
Norms of Conduct
1. All students, by virtue of their enrolment to the institution, shall
adhere to existing rules and regulations of the school
2. Every student shall wear the prescribed uniform on the days specified
by the University
2.1. The prescribed uniform for male is cream polo paired with
black slacks and closed shoes. The prescribed uniform for
female is skirt and blouse paired with black closed shoes.
2.2. The prescribed uniform for Agriculture students, male and
female, is green skirt with collar bearing the Department seal
paired with black slacks and closed black shoes.
3. All students shall wear decent clothes during non-uniform days.
4. Every student shall wear the official identification card (ID) at all
times inside the Campus.
5. Every student shall attend classes regularly and promptly.
6. All students are likewise encouraged to attend and participate in the
University activities such as Foundation day programs, recognition
programs and the like.
6.1. Non-Attendance and participation in the University activities
is tantamount to being marked absent.
Behavior Subject to Disciplinary Action
The student’s right to exercise the freedom to learn involves
freedom from disciplinary action except through due process.
Disciplinary action against a student should be taken only for violation of
Institutional standards of behavior and regulations, which are as clearly
defined as possible, and which represent a reasonable degree of control
over students.
Disciplinary Sanctions
1. Any offenses made shall be subjected to administrative disciplinary
action and the imposition of corresponding penalty as maybe
determined by the student Grievance Committee. Such disciplinary
Action are herein defined below:
1.1. Warning. It is notice to the student that continuation or
repetition of specified misconduct may be a cause for other
disciplinary action. The student is required to write a letter of
apology and promissory note.