Page 85 - PPP - Area 4
P. 85

1.2.  Suspension.  This  entails  exclusion  from  classes  and  other
                                 privileges or activities in school for a definite period of time with
                                 reinstatement thereafter dependent upon showing of observance
                                 during  the  period  of  suspension  of  terms  as  set  forth  in  the
                                 notice  of  suspension.  Parents  are  requested  to  appear  for  a
                                 meeting/dialogue with the DSSD prior to the suspension of the
                                 student. The counting of the number of days of suspension does
                                 not  include  Saturdays,  Sundays,  regular  holidays  and  other
                                 special holidays where there are no classes.

                          1.3.  Dismissal.  Refers  to  the  permanent  termination  of  a  student
                                 status without possibility of readmission to any of the colleges
                                 in the university. The school may drop from its rolls during the
                                 school year or term a student who is found undesirable.

                          1.4.  Expulsion.  It  is  an  extreme  form  of  administrative  sanction
                                 which debars the student from all public and private schools.

                          1.5.  Persona Non-Grata. This shall be imposed to all students who
                                 were dismissed and expelled to prevent them from entering the
                                 campus  except  when  there  is  authorization  from  university
                                 officials or their representatives.

                       Offenses and Sanctions
                                 TABLE OF OFFENSES AND DISCIPLINARY SANCTION
                               OFFENSES                                   SANCTIONS
                                                             1            2            3            4
                                                          Offense      Offense      Offense       Offense
                          1.  Loitering  during  class
                              hours,          making                  1-3  days
                              unnecessary noise such    Reprimand     suspensio
                              as inappropriate singing   and  a  letter  n   and   4-6    days  1  semester
                              and          boisterous   of apology    promissor    suspension  suspension
                              conversation    causing                 y note
                              annoyance           and
                              disturbing classes
                          2.  Coming to school not in
                              proper  uniform  during
                              uniform days or wearing   No  entry  in
                                                        the  campus
                              attire  not  befitting  a   and    the
                              university  student  like   classroom
                              torn    and     tattered
                          3.  Entering the campus or
                              classroom           and  No entry
                              transacting  business  in  No
                              offices   without   valid  Transaction
                              school ID card
                                                                      10    days
                          4.  Entering   the   school  Reprimand      suspensio    1  semester
                              using  fake,  tampered,  and  a  letter  n     and   suspension   Dismissal
                              and/or borrowed ID        of apology    promissor
                                                                      y note
                          5.  Misrepresentation of the  10      days  11-30        1  semester
                              University.  Using  the  suspension     days         suspension   Dismissal
                              name  of  the  University  and  a  letter  suspensio
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