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  Approved Constitution and By Laws of Student Organizations.

                                               CRIMINOLOGY SOCIETY
                                                Constitution and By-Laws


                       We, the students of the Criminology program, IFSU-Potia Campus imploring the
               aid  of  our  Almighty  God,  in  order  to  build  a  just  and  better  organization  in  the
               development of the youth as future leaders of the nation, established an association
               that embody the ideals, aspirations  and principles of democracy of the promotion of
               the welfare of a students and the academic standards of the department in accordance
               with  existing  policies,  rules  and  regulations  of  the  university  and  the  USSG  as  the
               umbrella  organization,  under  the  rule  of  law  and  regime  of  truth,  justice,  freedom,
               love, equality and peace, do ordain and promulgate this constitution.


               Sec. 1- This Constitution and By-Laws shall be known as the constitution and by-law
               of the Criminology Society (CRIMSOC) of the IFUGAO STATE UNIVERSITY Potia
               Campus, Alfonso Lista, Ifugao.

                                    ART. 11- NAME, DOMICILE AND NATURE
               Sec.  1-   The  name  of  the  organization  shall  be  known  as  the  Criminology  Society

               Sec. 2-  The office of the CRIMSOC shall be located at the College of Criminal Justice
               Education, IFSU Potia Campus, Alfonso Lista, Ifugao.
               Sec.  3-   The  CRIMSOC  is  a  civilian  set-up  organization  governing  students  in  the
               College of Criminal Justice Education.

               Sec. 4-   This body is created for the purpose of serving as a link between the faculty
               and the students in the Criminology program and of the school as a whole.

               Sec. 1- The CRIMSOC Organization of the College of Criminal Justice Education, IFSU
               Potia  Campus,  Alfonso  Lista,  Ifugao  shall  promote  mutual  understanding  through
               social, civic, intellectual, re-creation, training and scientific programs and activities.

               Sec. 11- The CRIMSOC shall have the following objectives:

                              a.  Develop  love  of  God,  patriotism,  loyalty,  moral,  character,  personal
                                 discipline,                 leadership and efficiency among its members.
                              b.  Train students for effective and efficient leadership.
                              c.  Help students to develop self-confidence.
                              d.  Promote unity among leaders of the student’s body.
                              e.  Maintain department aspirations to promote quality education.
                              f.  Serve and protect the student’s rights and welfare.
                              g.  Represent the organization in policy making body of the department.

                                                   ART. IV MEMBERSHIP

               Sec. 1-   Membership to the organization shall be limited to the bonafide students of
               the College of Criminal Justice Education.
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