Page 87 - PPP - Area 4
P. 87
Confiscation on and of
15. Brining lewd, indecent, and of pornograp
and pornographic pornographi hic
materials in the c materials materials
campus. Viewing and 10 days and 20 1 semester Dismissal
pornography through of days of
electronic media in the suspension suspensio
campus. and a letter n and
of apology promissor
y note
20 days of
10 days of
16. Posting lewd, indecent suspension suspensio 1 semester
and pornographic and a letter n and suspension Dismissal
materials in any form promissor
of apology
y note
1-10 days of days of
17. Possession, selling, and suspension suspensio 1 semester
drinking liquor within and a letter n and suspension Dismissal
the campus
of apology promissor
y note
3 days of days of
18. Under the influence of suspension suspensio 1 semester
liquor/prohibited drugs and a letter n and suspension Dismissal
within the campus
of apology promissor
y note
19. Possession, selling, 1 semester
using or taking suspension Dismissal
prohibited drugs within and a letter
the campus of apology
20. Carrying deadly 1-30 days semester
weapons, explosives suspension suspensio Dismissal
and incendiary and a letter n and a
materials in the campus of apology promissor
y note
g the 1-10 days
21. Minor acts of vandalism damaged suspensio
(writing, drawing and property, n and a 11-30 days 1 semester
carving on walls, tables, reprimand promissor suspension suspension
chairs, and the like)
and a letter y note
of apology
g the 1
22. Serious acts of damaged semester
vandalism, destruction property, 1- suspensio
of school property, Dismissal
equipment, 30 days n and a
instruments, etc
and a letter y note
of apology
23. Uttering defamatory,
slanderous and
libellous 1
statements/remarks 1-30 days semester
and or gossiping or suspension suspensio
rumor mongering with Dismissal
the intention of and a letter n and a
of apology
destroying the y note
reputation of any
member of the school
24. Ridiculing or 1-30 days 1
discrediting any suspension semester Dismissal
member of the school and a letter suspensio