Page 86 - PPP - Area 4
P. 86

for   personal   interest  of apology   n      and
                              prejudicial   to     the                promissor
                              interest     of      the                y note
                          6.  Unauthorized    use   of   Reprimand    days
                              school         facilities,   and  a  letter   suspensio  1  semester   Dismissal
                              equipment             or   of apology   n      and  suspension
                              instrument                              promissor
                                                                      y note
                                                        Cleaning  in  Cleaning a
                                                        a  particular  designate
                                                        designated    d  area  for   6-15  days  1  semester
                          7.  Littering in the campus   area  for  1  5     days   suspension  suspension
                                                        day  and  a  and        a
                                                        letter    of  promissor
                                                        apology       y note
                          8.  Spitting    betel   nut
                              anywhere      in     the   Fine  of  50
                              campus  not  designated   violation
                              for its purpose
                          9.  Smoking    within    the  Fine      of
                              campus  premises  (not  P150       for  Fine     of  10     days  1  semester
                              designated    for    its  every         500 pesos    suspension  suspension
                              purpose)                  violation
                                                                      Zero  score
                                                                      and     10
                          10. Any form of cheating in  Zero  and  a  days          Failing
                              examinations/tests/qui    letter    of  suspensio    grade        Dismissal
                              zzes                      apology       n     with
                                                                      y note
                                                        Replacemen    ent      of
                                                        t/payment     stolen
                                                        of    stolen
                          11. Theft/stealing   within   item/s  and   item/s
                              the         university’s   10     days   and  16-30  Dismissal
                              jurisdiction                            days
                                                        suspension    suspensio
                                                        with a letter   n   with
                                                        of apology
                                                                      y note
                          12. Gambling  anytime  in  1-10       days  days
                              any  form  within  the  suspension      suspensio    1  semester   Dismissal
                              jurisdiction   of    the  and  a  letter  n    and  suspension
                              university                of apology    promissor
                                                                      y note
                          13. Disturbing  the  peace  1-10      days  days
                              and  order  within  the  suspension     suspensio    1  semester   Dismissal
                              school  premises  (alarm  and  a  letter  n    and  suspension
                              and scandal)              of apology    promissor
                                                                      y note
                                                        Removal  of
                          14. Posting,  distributing  or   posted
                              dissemination         of   materials
                              notices,        posters,   and          6-15  days
                              leaflets,   broadsheets,   confiscation   of
                              questionnaire,            of            suspensio    1  semester
                              streamers,  surveys  pop   distributed   n     and  suspension    Dismissal
                              sheets    or     similar   materials    promissor
                              materials  without  prior   with        y note
                              approval  by  the  DSSD   reprimand
                              or    any    authorized   and  a  letter
                              university official.
                                                        of apology
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