Page 92 - PPP - Area 4
P. 92
Serves as a link to all student and the Program Faculty and Staff.
Inform the Program Faculty and Staff concerning all student matters.
Provides guidance and feedbacks to events staffs and serves as a liaison
between students and school as required.
Sec.2- Vice President
Assumes the president responsibilities in the president’s absence.
Serves as a link between the student and the College of Criminal Justice
Education Faculty and Staff.
Supervise the members in planning and arranging meetings or programs
of activities. Certify the legitimacy and correctness of disbursement of
Perform such other duties assigned by the president.
Sec. 3- Secretary
Keep accurate records of the minutes and documents proceedings.
Keep a file of all pertinent documents and papers of the CRIMSOC and
make them accessible the studentry.
Perform such other duties assigned by the president.
Sec. 4- Treasurer
Keep all financial record of the CRIMSOC Organization.
Serves as the disbursing officer of all CRIMSOC Organizational fund.
Prepare the annual budget of the organization.
Prepare the financial report every month, after an activity and at the end
of his/her reign.
Formulate pertinent financial guidelines for the organization.
Perform such other duties assigned by the president.
Sec. 5- Auditor
Audits all expenditures of the CRIMSOC Organizational funds.
Assist the treasurer in formulating guidelines and reports.
Keep update inventory of the property of the organization.
Perform such other duties assigned by the president.
Sec. 6- Public Information Officer
Popularize the trust and objectives of the organization.
Build and maintain a credible image of the organization.
Take charge in the promotion of the organizational projects and
Perform such other duties assigned by the president.
Sec. 7- Business Managers
Represent the organization if there are things or materials to be
Head the income-Generating Project Committee and be responsible in
matters regarding funds for the organization.
Perform such other duties assigned by the president.
Sec. 8- Sentinels
Help the presiding officer to maintain peace and order during meetings,
school programs and activities.
Act as the disciplinary officer, if needed.
Perform such other duties assigned by the president.
Sec. 9- Muse
Represent the organization if there are school program/activities.
Head the recreational activities of the organization.
Perform such other duties assigned by the president.
Sec. 10- Escort
Represent the organization if there are school activities.
Head the recreational activities of the organization.