Page 93 - PPP - Area 4
P. 93
Perform such other duties assigned by the president.
Sec. 1- There shall be classroom officers of different year level composed of class
president down to escort.
Sec 2- Class officers of the different year levels shall be nominated and elected in their
respective year level.
Sec. 3- Incase the year level is composed of two (2) or more sections there shall be
Sec. 4- Elected classroom officers shall function in accordance with their duties and
responsibilities and as the adviser and as the dean/program chairman may direct.
Sec. 5- The classrooms officers shall be responsible in completing the CRIMSOC rules
and assist the CRIMSOC in implementing its training program and objectives.
Sec. 6- The classroom officers shall participate in the implementation of the student’s
Sec. 1- President
Preside overall meetings and/ or may designate other officer to preside
specific meeting.
Enforce the constitution, by laws and others regulations that may be
Represent the class or may designated his/her representative for any
external, internal affairs functions.
Implement class program or project.
Perform such other functions inherent and incidental to his/her office
and assigned by the department president.
Sec. 2- Vice President
Assist the president in all matters where his/her assistance is
Assume the office of the president when the position become vacant.
Supervise members in arranging and planning meetings, program or
Perform such others duties assigned by the president.
Sec. 3- Secretary
Keep accurate records of the minutes and documents proceedings.
Keep a file of all pertinent documents and papers of the class and make
them accessible to the studentry.
Perform such other duties assigned by the president.
Sec. 4- Treasurer
Keep all financial records of the class.
Serve as the disbursing officer of the class.
Prepare the annual budget of the class.
Prepare the financial report every month, after an activity, and at the
end of school year.
Formulate pertinent financial guide lines of the class.
Perform such other duties assigned by the president.
Sec. 5- Auditor
Certify the legitimacy and correctness of the disbursement of fund.
Audit all expenditures of the fund.
Assist the treasurer in formulating guidelines and reports.
Keep update inventory of the class property.
Perform such other duties assigned by the president.
Sec. 6- Public information officer
Popularize the trust and objectives of the class.
Build and maintain the credible of the class.
Take charge in the promotion of class projects and activities.
Perform such other duties assigned by the president.