Page 93 - PPP - Area 4
P. 93

  Perform such other duties assigned by the president.

                                         ART. IX- CLASSROOM OFFICERS

               Sec.  1-   There  shall  be  classroom  officers  of  different  year  level  composed  of  class
               president down to escort.
               Sec 2-  Class officers of the different year levels shall be nominated and elected in their
               respective year level.
               Sec.  3-  Incase  the  year  level  is  composed  of  two  (2)  or  more  sections  there  shall  be
               Sec. 4-  Elected classroom officers shall function in accordance with their duties and
               responsibilities and as the adviser and as the dean/program chairman may direct.
               Sec. 5- The classrooms officers shall be responsible in completing the CRIMSOC rules
               and assist the CRIMSOC in implementing its training program and objectives.
               Sec. 6- The classroom officers shall participate in the implementation of the student’s
               Sec. 1- President

                            Preside  overall  meetings  and/ or  may  designate  other  officer  to  preside
                              specific meeting.
                            Enforce  the  constitution,  by  laws  and  others  regulations  that  may  be
                            Represent  the  class  or  may  designated  his/her  representative  for  any
                              external, internal affairs functions.
                            Implement class program or project.
                            Perform  such  other  functions  inherent  and  incidental  to  his/her  office
                              and assigned by the department president.
               Sec. 2- Vice President
                             Assist  the  president  in  all  matters  where  his/her  assistance  is
                             Assume the office of the president when the position become vacant.
                             Supervise  members  in  arranging  and  planning  meetings,  program  or
                             Perform such others duties assigned by the president.
               Sec. 3- Secretary
                            Keep accurate records of the minutes and documents proceedings.
                            Keep a file of all pertinent documents and papers of the class and make
                              them accessible to the studentry.
                            Perform such other duties assigned by the president.
               Sec. 4- Treasurer
                             Keep all financial records of the class.
                             Serve as the disbursing officer of the class.
                             Prepare the annual budget of the class.
                             Prepare  the  financial  report  every  month,  after  an  activity,  and  at  the
                              end of school year.
                             Formulate pertinent financial guide lines of the class.
                             Perform such other duties assigned by the president.
               Sec. 5- Auditor
                            Certify the legitimacy and correctness of the disbursement of fund.
                            Audit all expenditures of the fund.
                            Assist the treasurer in formulating guidelines and reports.
                            Keep update inventory of the class property.
                            Perform such other duties assigned by the president.
               Sec. 6- Public information officer
                            Popularize the trust and objectives of the class.
                            Build and maintain the credible of the class.
                            Take charge in the promotion of class projects and activities.
                            Perform such other duties assigned by the president.
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