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Sec. 1- There shall be a program chairperson who shall be the highest officer of the
               Sec.  2-  Perform  such other  functions  as  the  Campus  director  and  college  dean  may

                                      ART. XIV- COSTUMS AND TRADITIONS

               Sec.  1-  Every  student  must  attend  the  flag  ceremony  with  proper  uniforms,  every
               Monday of the week unless, it was declared no classes.
               Sec. 2- I t is the tradition of the CRIMSOC to give help to the member of the bereaved
               family who are students of this institution or any enrolled student of this university.
               Sec. 3- It is the tradition of the CRIMSOC to celebrate the Christmas Day during the
               month of December.
               Sec. 4- CRIMSOC student must observe discipline at all times.


               Sec. 1- There shall be a prescribed uniforms or attire for every student in the College
               of Criminal Justice Education. Uniforms or attires shall compose of TYPE A AND TYPE
               Sec.  2-  Type  uniform  shall  mean  the  upper  and  lower  with  name  patch  and
               criminology patch at the upper portion of the chest pockets and criminology logo and
               IFSU logo at the sleeves; pure white and round neck T-Shirt for inner, black garrison
               belt with criminology logo at the buckle, black high cut socks (medyas) and wet look
               shoes with hills for ladies. Type A uniforms shall be wore every Monday and Friday of
               the week.
               Sec.  3-  Type  B  uniform  shall  mean  a  prescribed  shirt  authorized  by  the  program
               chairperson of the Criminology, with the CRIMINOLOGY at the back, criminology logo
               at  the  left  chest  portion  of  the  shirt  below  the  logo  is  a  printed  last  name  of  the
               student  who  owned  and  jeans  or  slack  for  lower  paired  with  rubber  shoes.  Type  B
               uniform shall be wore Tuesday and Thursday of the week.
               Sec. 4- Other uniforms maybe required for the subject, if deems necessary.
               Sec.  5-  Students  are  required  to  wear their  uniforms  with  their  school  Identification
               Card(ID) before entering the campus compound.

                                  ART. XVI- ELECTION AND TERMS OF OFFICE
               Sec. 1 –All elected and designated officers of the CRIMSOC shall serve one academic
               year unless removed, incapacitated and died during tenure of office or until such time
               new set of officer or designees are elected and designated respectively.
               Sec.  2-  All  designations  and  election  shall  be  annually  done  every  first  week  of  the
               second month of the first semester prior to the election of the USSG.
               Sec. 3- There shall be a campaign before election prior to the election proper.
               Sec. 4- Each member is entitled to one vote.
               Sec. 5- No proxy shall be allowed when voting.
               Sec.  6-  Designation  of  the  student  must  be  based  on  the  academic  performance,
               aptitude, proficiency, discipline and seminars.
                                       ART. XVII- THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY
               Sec. 1- The general assembly shall include the CRIMSOC Officers and members.
               Sec. 2- The general assembly for officers shall composed of all designated officers and
               elected classroom officers.
               Sec.  3-  The  general  assembly  for  members  shall  composed  of  all  members  duly
               enrolled in the College of Criminal Justice Education.
               Sec. 4- The general assembly shall be a forum for information and consultation, which
               decision shall be significantly considered.
                                       ART. XVIII MEETINGS AND QUORUM

               Sec.  1-  The  CRIMSOC  Officers shall  conduct  regular meeting  every  first week of  the
               Sec. 2- The CRIMSOC may call general meeting of all officers and members if deems
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