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Sec. 3- A special meeting may be called upon by the CRIMSOC President or majority
               by  the  CRIMSOC  Officers  provided  it  is  authorized  by  the  adviser  and  the  program
               Sec. 4- A majority of the CRIMSOC Officers (50%+ 1) shall constitute a quorum.
               Sec. 5- A majority of the members during general meetings shall mean  one half plus
               one (1/2 + 1) of all registered members of the CRIMSOC.

                                                   ART. XIX- FUNDS

               Sec.  1-  The  CRIMSOC  funds  shall  be  classified  into  trust  funds  and  special  funds.
               Trust  funds  shall  consist  of  membership  fee  collected  (ART.  IV,  Sec.  2)  and  special
               funds are funds that came from donation, fund sponsorship, fund raising project or
               any amount derived from legitimate sources.
               Sec. 2- The organization can accept cash donation from any member or any public or
               private person or institution, for as long as it will not affect the integrity of the college.
               Sec. 3- The CRIMSOC can undertake fund raising activities to subsidize its project or
               Sec.  4-  The  CRIMSOC  President  and  Treasurer  shall  be  signatory  of  all  funds
               disbursement  of  the  CRIMSOC.  All  funds  must  be  accompanied  by  a  CRIMSOC
               Resolution or formal request duly noted by the CRIMSOC adviser.
               Sec. 5- All funds shall be deposited to a reputable bank. The Adviser, President and
               the Treasurer shall be a signaturies.
               Sec.  6-  The  CRIMSOC  Business  Managers  shall  promulgate  financial  guidelines  for
               proper financial management.
               Sec. 7- All fines collected by classroom officers shall be turned-over to the CRIMSOC
               Treasurer for records, audits and deposits. The classrooms officers may withdraw the
               amount for their legitimate use.
               Sec.  8-  The  CRIMSOC  Treasurer  shall  prepare  list  of  expenditures  with  supporting
               documents accessible to all the students for records and verifications.
               Sec. 9- All collections shall be accompanied by receipts.


               Sec. 1- The officers of the CRIMSOC may be impeached of the following;
                            Culpable violation of the constitution and by-laws.
                            Gross  misconduct,  violence  to  a  person  in  authority,  negligence  and
                              disloyalty to the cause of the CRIMSOC Organization.
                            Non-attendance in regular meetings for three (3) consecutive and five (5)
                              cumulative times.
                            Abuse and misuse of power and authority.
               Sec. 2- Two-third (2/3) vote of the general assembly shall be necessary to decide after
               hearing a case if impeachment.
               Sec. 3- The decision of the assembly shall be final, however, the officers charge shall
               be  informed  twenty  (20)  prior  to  his  impeachment  case  proceeding  of  the  charges
               against him/her to afford him/her the opportunity to with or without a counsel of his
               Sec.  4- Resignation  shall  be  in  writing  and subject  to  the  approval  of  the  CRIMSOC
               Adviser and the program Chairperson.
               Sec. 5- Any vacancy of the position shall be filled within thirty (30) days from the day
               the position was vacated.
               Sec. 6- The CRIMSOC COMELEC being independent shall manage the election of the
               vacated position.


               Sec.  1-  Every  student  must  at  all  times  abides  the  school  policies,  rules  and
               regulations and this constitution and by-laws.
               Sec. 2- Every student will be fined an amount of Php 15.00 for failure to attend the
               flag raising ceremony at university quadrangle, unless he/she had valid reason.
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