Page 50 - Urban Kapital New MAY JUNE 2020 ISSUE
P. 50

A common example is Jordan Peele’s
                                                                                                                                                                                                     2017 movie ‘Get Out’, a comedic-horror
                                                                                                                                                                                                     film centred on interracial dating and
                                                                                                                                                                                                     other race relation issues in the US.
                                                                                                                                                                                                     He believed movies about US race
                                                                                                                                                                                                     relations should be only played by Afri-
                                                                                                                                                                                                     can Americans.

                                                                                                                                                                                                     Vauxhall Jermaine voiced his opinions
                                                                                                                                                                                                     on this, saying “The casting director is
                                                                                                                                                                                                     still going to pick the person they want,
                                                                                                                                                                                                     no matter who walks in the room. Blame
                                                                                                                                                                                                     the  casting director if anything”.  Chari-
                                                                                                                                                                                                     ty Muiruri, suggested it is down to per-
                                                                                                                                                                                                     formance “If you’re doing the role well,
                                                                                                                                                                                                     I don’t see the problem in being able to
                                                                                                                           In 2016 Charity performed for live shows,   From Vauxhall Jermaine’s view, America   cross cultures. Especially as Americans
                                                                                                                           which enabled her to be contacted by an   offers more chances as there is supposed-  have done it”.
                                                                                                                           organisation that creates projects around   ly more work. Whereas, both Sèverine and
                                                                                                                           political events in the community.   Charity see it differently and believe there   Sèverine Howell-Meri also disagreed that
                                                                                                                                                                is often this misconception that acting in   Black British actors shouldn’t play Amer-
                                                                                                                           Since then, she has been involved in var-  America is the way forward.    ican lead roles. Sèverine used the exam-
                                                                                                                           ious screen acting and music video op-                                    ple of fellow British actor Cynthia Erivo
                                                                                                                           portunities. Not to mention her remark-  Sèverine Howell-Meri said, “I don’t think   (below) and how she has been subjected
                                                                                                                           able collaborative project The Basement   there are no opportunities here or not as   to  criticisms,  for  playing  as  ‘Harriet’.  A
                                                                                                                           Bunch. Which works with other artists and   many. I think there are different kinds of   film based on 19th-century abolitionist
                                             LEFT IMAGE, THE BASEMENT BUNCH / RIGHT IMAGE, CHARITY MUIRURI                 creatives for theatre styled performances,   opportunities in America because it is a   and American Icon Harriet Tubman.
                                                                                                                           in her hometown Luton. “When we start-  different industry”. Charity Muiruri, praised   Sèverine supports Cynthia Erivo as she
                                                                                                                           ed in the acting industry, we were always   the fact there are so many British actors in   said:  “Cynthia is more interested in the
                       Financial support for actors?    Speaking on this issue, Sèverine   Charity talked me through her   finding limitations to the roles we can do   the US but says it leaves a narrative for up-  experiences  Black  British  and  Black
                                                        said “I’m not eligible for a lot of sup-  journey of being  an  actor.  From   or the roles that are available to us. We   coming actors to follow the same path. “If   Americans have in common rather than
                       Quarantine has been a financial strug-  port the government has provided,   having a supportive drama teach-  just decided instead of us waiting for the   we go over there, we are the only following   their differences”. She added, “I can’t
                       gle for some actors. Because of this,   as I’ve only been self-employed for   er in high school, which then later   industry to give us work, why don’t we just   the same pattern as what has already hap-  speak about the experiences of Black
                       the government has announced a   two years. But I’m in a very fortu-  inspired her to take on a perform-  create that work”.             pened. We are not leading the way for those   British people vs Black Americans.
                       scheme to support the self-employed   nate position because I have sav-  ing arts degree in university. But                              who are coming up beneath us”.
                       during these tough times. Support   ings.” Despite this, Sèverine added   during her third year at university,   Charity Muiruri added, “We work in Luton   Charity suggested that as creatives we
                       from the state has meant a grant for   that she still receives a minimal   she became uncertain about her   because we want to bring it back to the   should create work and be consistent with
                       the self-employed, worth 80% of their   amount from her work at a theatre,   chosen career and decided to take   town that we’re from. However, we don’t   it in England. “Why not make it our mission
                       average monthly profits over the last   as they agreed to pay employees   a break.                  want to limit ourselves to just Luton, we   to create a platform, not for us to be seen,
                       three years. To be eligible for this   that are on zero hour contracts.                             want to go to the midlands, London and   but for others who see that and go ‘I want
                       support, individuals need to earn less                            “In the third year a lot was hap-  international”. In light of Coronavirus, The   to do that, or I could do that’. Charity shared
                       than £50,000 a year and at least half   British-Kenyan Charity Muiruri, 27,   pening at university and home, my   Basement Bunch had to postpone their   with me her dream of acting in a Netflix se-
                       of their income must have come from   who is an actor and collaborator for   mind wasn’t in the right place and   web series ‘Thick and Thieves’ which was   ries, even if it means going to America.
                       self-employed work.              The Basement Bunch. Also shared   so I felt I needed a break”.     scheduled to be released this year.
                                                        her opinions on how she is coping                                                                       “I’m not going to turn around and say, ‘I’m
                       Backstage an online career resource   financially, she said, “I’m not spend-  Because of this decision Charity   “There’s nothing we can do to move for-  not going to do that’, but I’m not going to
                       for actors and performers pointed out   ing a lot of money and the money I   felt lost on what she wanted to do,   ward in what we are doing. As a team   leave everything I have here now and sac-
                       criticisms of this scheme. They ad-  am getting, I am saving”. Before the   but then was drawn to Creative   we still have talks, but it’s relaxed as we   rifice that to go to the States”.  But one thing I can agree on is what
                       dressed that many actors do not earn   lockdown, Charity lived and worked   Access where she secured a job at   talk about each other and look after our                      Cynthia said, the feelings are very simi-
                       50% of their income through self-em-  part-time in Leicester for a theatre   a talent agency.       well-being”.                         Black British actors playing American   lar between Black American people and
                       ployment, as people often work in Pay   company, like many UK employees                                                                  leading roles                        Black British people when we experience
                       As You Earn (PAYE) to support their   she is still earning regular income   “I started off feeling great about it,   Acting industry: the UK versus the US                    racism”.
                       acting career. According to them, the   having been put on ‘Furlough’. A   but then when you’re an actor at                              It was interesting to bring into context, the
                       government  scheme  does not  cover   support system  for  firms  hit  by   heart  you  start  seeing  opportuni-  Talking with Vauxhall, Sèverine and   criticisms Black British actors face when   Speaking  with  Vauxhall,  Sèverine  and
                       those who recently became self-em-  Coronavirus, which allows employ-  ties you wish you could be doing”.   Charity. There was common debate, about   taking on a role solely based on a American   Charity  makes  me  proud  to  be  British.
     MAGAZINE // 50    ine Howell-Meri, support cannot be   from the government.         tivated to get back into acting and   offers the same amount of opportunities in   American actor Samuel L. Jackson   tors and creatives doing such great work.   MAGAZINE // 51
                                                        ees to claim 80% of their wages
                                                                                                                                                                                                     The UK has a collective of talented ac-
                       ployed. So, for many like Sèver-
                                                                                                                           whether the acting industry in the UK
                                                                                         Because of this, she was later mo-
                                                                                                                                                                                                     paves the way for the next generation of
                                                                                         she did just that.
                       claimed for those with less than three
                                                                                                                           the United States.
                                                                                                                                                                criticised the leading role being played by
                                                                                                                                                                London-based actor Daniel Kaluuya.
                          Continued...Kia Fullerton
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