Page 55 - Urban Kapital New MAY JUNE 2020 ISSUE
P. 55



 Virtual Styling

 Wardrobe Advice - Expert Personal Stylists from
 the John Lewis Style Studios will offer appoint-
 ments to support customers who have found
 Expert nursery, home and styling advice services adapt-  themselves  with  extra  time  to  declutter  and  or-
 ed to the evolving needs of customers are now available   ganise their cupboards and drawers.
 to access from home.
 Providing guidance on key staples and tips to help
 John Lewis has been boosting support for today’s ‘Vir-  streamline wardrobes, the stylist will also be on
 tual Britain’ by transforming and adapting its in-store   hand to help customers
 services and taking them online for the first time to   re-discover treasured items and build outfits.   SKINNY DIP LONDON
 meet the evolving needs of people still in isolation.
 The free and bookable, advice-driven appointments ena-  The video appointment is bookable via the stylist’s   THE BRAND NEW BEDROOM RANGE
 bled the retailer to provide core services to support the   John Lewis Instagram account. Stylists will follow
 nation during lockdown, maintaining its ambition to be   up the appointment with a personalised email de-
 there every step of the way for its customers.   tailing all that was discussed. Stylists will also be
 hosting style
 Providing advice, inspiration and support, Partners are            John Lewis & Partners announced their latest
 on hand to guide customers, whether it’s welcoming a   Q&As on their Instagram accounts as well as shar-  bedding launch with Skinnydip London.
 new addition to the family or advice on interior solutions   ing useful and inspirational styling
 for the home.   content.                                           It’s  an  exclusive  range  of  high  quality  bedding
                                                                    and cushions (coming soon) that feature some of
 Customers can book free, one-to-one video appoint-                 Skinnydip’s most signature prints, to really give
 ments with knowledgeable experts all from the comfort              your bedroom that true Skinnydip feel-good vibe.
 of their own sofa.
                                                                    Now is the perfect time to invest in new bedding,
 Virtual Home Design                                                sales of low tog duvets increased by 74% com-
                                                                    pared to this time last year as customers opt for
 Expert interior advice with a Home Design Stylist to help          lighter bedding for a more comfortable summer
 customers  during  lockdown  by providing  home inspi-             night’s sleep.
 ration, support and advice - ranging from repurposing
 ideas and tips to make their space more comfortable,               The bedding is available instore and will be
 creating an area that is flexible for work and feels like a        followed by a new range of cushions late June.
 sanctuary right now or to tackle a new interiors project.
 During a one hour video call customers can walk and                SHOP NOW
 talk through their spaces with the Stylist and discuss
 MAGAZINE // 54  gether a mood board, ideas and shopping list, sending                                               MAGAZINE // 55
 inspiration. The Stylist will spend some time pulling to-
 directly to a customer following the call.
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