Page 56 - Urban Kapital New MAY JUNE 2020 ISSUE
P. 56



          Highlights  from every Test and One    Highlights will begin with England’s   World Cup trophy. Cup win.
          Day International this summer will be   three match Test series against
          shown on BBC Two from July, mark-      West Indies, followed by further     Relive the five hour extravaganza
          ing the first time Test match cricket   programmes throughout the sum-      between Novak Djokovic and
          has been broadcast on BBC TV in over   mer once  the  international cricket   Roger Federer and the against
          twenty years.                          calendar is confirmed.               New Zealand, taking home the
                                                                                      team’s first ever 50 over World
          •Highlights from every Test and One    Over on BBC Radio 5 Live Sports Ex-  electrifying moment the England
          Day International this summer on BBC   tra, Test Match Special will broad-  cricket team stormed to victory.
          Two                                    cast ball-by-ball commentary on all
          Isa Guha, BBC’s new lead cricket pre-  of England’s international games     To warm up for the return of Test
          senter, to front highlights show       this summer, with the team led by    Match highlights, throughout the
          Sir Alastair  Cook and Carlos Brath-   the BBC’s cricket correspondent      month  of  June  BBC  Sport  will
          waite to join BBC cricket team for ex-  Jonathan  Agnew. Aggers  will  be   transport fans back to some of
          pert analysis                          joined on TMS by the likes of Isa    the most memorable England v         SITTING IN LIMBO
          Test Match Special to broadcast all in-  Guha,  Simon  Mann,  Alison Mitch-  West Indies Test Matches of all
          ternational games from July            ell and Daniel Norcross with ex-     time broadcast on BBC Two every
          New documentary One Day  to look       pert analysis provided by Michael    weekend. In tandem, Jonathan Ag-     INSPIRED BY A SHOCKING STORY FROM THE WINDRUSH SCANDAL.
          back at epic 2019 England World Cup    Vaughan, Phil Tufnell, Carlos Brath-  new and Fazeer Mohammed will
          win                                    waite and Sir Alastair Cook amongst   present a weekly TMS podcast on
          England v West Indies highlights       others. Meanwhile, on Radio 5 Live   these classic encounters. Relive
          from classic games on BBC Two every    Eleanor Oldroyd will provide up-     the unforgettable moments as a       In making Sitting In Limbo we wanted to make a
          weekend in June                        dates on the action as it happens    generation  of  English  cricketers   powerful film that addressed one of the greatest
          Classic full Test replays to air in June   throughout the day’s play.       battled against the charismatic      political scandals of recent years - Windrush - but
          on BBC Radio 5 Live Sports Extra                                            brilliance of the best team in the   which also explored the personal impact it had on many
          2009  Cricket  World  Cup-winner  Isa   The BBC Sport website will have     world, the West Indies, from the     thousands of real people.
          Guha will be lead presenter for BBC    video clips of all the big moments   June.
          TV’s cricket coverage. Isa will front   as  they  happen,  along  with  live                                     Stephen’s script shines a light on a great social
          the highlights show which will begin   text commentary, audio streams       Starting with England v West         injustice, but also examines the devastating effect it had
          on 8 July at 7pm from the first Test   and  audience  interaction  for  all  of   Indies at Lord’s in 1984, viewers   on his own family. The emotional impact of the drama is
          Match between England and the West     England’s summer internationals.     can witness some of the all-time     heightened because he is writing from the perspective
          Indies at the Ageas Bowl,              Throughout the summer the web-       great performances from the likes    of witnessing his own brother’s treatment.
          Southampton.                           site  will  have  columns  from  the   of Ian Botham, Gordon Greenidge,
                                                 likes of England fast bowler Mark    Graham Gooch and Dominic Cork        This adds a personal resonance to a political story, and
          Isa will be alongside BBC Cricket’s    Wood and England women’s captain     and watch  some of the  best to      makes it all the more shocking. I hope that people from
          lead analyst, former England Ash-      Heather Knight, and will continue    have ever played in full flow, such   all walks of life watch this drama and understand more
          es-winning captain Michael Vaughan.    to keep fans across breaking news    as Viv Richards and Brian Lara.      fully how political decisions can have a profoundly per-
          Joining them to provide their expert   and in-depth match analysis.                                              sonal effect.
          perspective will be England’s record                                        From the famous long room at
          Test run-scorer Sir Alastair Cook and   On 12 July viewers can tune in for   Lord’s, Isa Guha will present the   After 50 years in the UK, Anthony McKay-Williams is
          West Indies’ 2016 World T20 final hero   new documentary One Day on BBC     highlights from the classic games    wrongfully detained by the Home Office and threatened
          Carlos Brathwaite while respected      One. The programme looks back at     and tell the stories behind these    with deportation.
          broadcaster Alison Mitchell and        that one remarkable day on 14 July   incredible clashes that would
          former England spinner Phil Tufnell    2019 that played host to one of the   eventually see England turn the     Patrick Robinson and Nadine Marshall lead the drama
          will complete the team to provide      most incredible Wimbledon men’s      tide on one of the most dominant     as Anthony and Janet McKay-Williams.
          commentary duties for the TV high-     final matches of all time and the    teams in sport.
          lights.                                England cricket team lifting the                                          Pippa Bennett Warner plays Patrick’s daughter Eileen,
     MAGAZINE // 56                   BBC Press Office                                                                     ner Carter plays Patrick’s mother, Lucille.                                                                      MAGAZINE // 57
                                                                                                                           CJ Beckford plays her brother Gary and Corinne Skin-

                                                                                                                           Pictured: Anthony McKay-Williams (Patrick Robinson)
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