Page 35 - NIS English September 1-15
P. 35
India Fights Corona 74 % Recovery rate COMPARATIVE DATA OF THE WORLD
In the case of Corona, India is
reached, 11
As on August 20, 2020 percent during comparatively much better than other
lockdown one countries of the world.
Positive Active Deaths
90.02% 1.89% World 2869 831 100.8
Delhi's is India's Europe 4362 1472 274
recovery death rate America 17079 7460 529
rate after Russia 6423 1172 110
Two yards Distance
intervention of Brazil 16036 3512 517
Total Labs center, highest India 2017 493 38
in the country
1494 Figures are per 10 lakh
977 Govt. 517 Pvt
Total Testing
Average Testing 9 lakh per/ day
686395 2096664
TotalActive cases TotalRecovery
going down. Percentage of active cases is There is a need to trace and test all those who
reducing while the recovery rate is increasing. had come in contact with an infected person
Bringing down the fatality rate below 1% can within 72 hours. This should be followed
be achieved soon. like a mantra, with the same earnestness as
RAMPING UP OF TESTING NEEDED IN washing hands, maintaining Do Gaz Ki Doori,
SOME STATES wearing masks etc.
There is an urgent need to ramp up testing in SUCCESSFUL STRATEGY OF HOME
Bihar, Gujarat, Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal and MINISTER
Telangana. Containment, contact tracing and Strategy of Union Home Minister Amit
surveillance are the most effective weapons Shah in preparing a road map for tackling
in this battle. People have become aware and the pandemic together with Delhi and nearby
are ably assisting in these efforts, as a result states has been successful. The main
of which, the country has been successful in pillars of this strategy were segregation of
using home quarantine effectively. containment zones and focus on screening,
AAROGYA SETU HANDY IN TRACING especially of those in high risk category. The
Usefulness of Aarogya Setu is such that if results of these steps are there for all to see.
cases are identified in the initial 72 hours, then Steps like better management in hospitals
the spread of the virus can be slowed down. and increasing ICU beds also proved very
helpful. n
New India Samachar 33