Page 32 - NIS English September 1-15
P. 32
Growth Story
Handloom Sector
Textile sector’s growth story
continues with Ministry of
Textiles’ launching of App to
protect the ownership rights
of weavers and KVIC’s record
production of masks giving
employment to artisans
during pandemic
ow, a Handloom Mark will provide on August 7, 2020, the National Handloom
a collective identity to the authentic Day, Union Minister for Textiles and Women
handloom products! The Ministry & Child Development Smriti Irani said that
Nof Textiles has developed a Mobile the Handloom Mark, prepared by Textiles
App with a backend web portal to completely Committee, Mumbai would be very helpful
digitise the process of registration of a in maintaining the authenticity of handloom
handloom product. The App in English and 10 products made by weavers across the country.
Indian languages will enable weavers located She also launched the “My Handloom”
in every nook and cranny of the country to portal for individual weavers as well as other
apply for the Handloom Mark registration organizations to apply for various benefits
through the comfort of their homes by click under the various handloom schemes like
of a button on their mobiles. This App helps Block Level Clusters, Handloom Marketing
ascertain the genuineness and originality of Assistance and Awards. Inaugurating the
the product through unique and dynamic QR portal, she thanked Prime Minister Narendra
code affixed on each product.
Modi for launching the “India Handloom”
Launching the Mobile App and Backend brand in 2015 on the occasion of the First
Website for Handloom Mark Scheme (HLM) National Handloom Day. She said that till now,
30 New India Samachar