Page 27 - NIS English September 1-15
P. 27

a carbon neutral region, work is also being        schemes  in  some of these  selected  islands.
            done in this direction.                            After Andaman and Nicobar islands, in the next
            CAMPAIGN FOR POLLUTION CONTROL                     1000 days, Lakshadweep will also be connected

               A special  campaign with  a  holistic           to submarine optical fiber cable.
            approach to reduce pollution in 100 selected       EXPANSION OF NCC
            cities of the country is also being worked            The  expansion  of NCC  will  be  ensured  to
            upon.                                              173 border and coastal districts of the country.
            PROJECT LION, PROJECT DOLPHIN                      Under this  campaign, special  training  will  be

               India is fully sensitive to the preservation    given to about 1 lakh new NCC Cadets. In this
            and  promotion of its  biodiversity.  In  the      also,  about  one-third  of  the  daughters  will  be
            recent  past,  the  tiger  population  has         given this special training.
            increased  at  a  rapid pace in  the  country!     EK BHARAT–SHRESHTH BHARAT
            Now a project lion for our Asiatic lions is also
            going to be started in the country. Similarly,
            Project Dolphin will also be launched.
               From the  LOC  to  the  LAC, whoever has
            raised  eyes  on  the  sovereignty  of the
            country, the country, the Army of the country
            has  responded  in  the  same  language.
            Respect for India's sovereignty is supreme
            for us. What our brave soldiers can do for
            this resolution, what the country can do, the             I can see the dawn of a new
            world has seen this in Ladakh.                           era for India, rise of new self-
            SOUTH ASIA’S GROWTH                                     confidence, a bugle of  echo of
               A  quarter  of  the  world's  population
            lives  in South  Asia. We can create untold                     Self-Reliant India.
            possibilities of development and prosperity
            of such a large population with cooperation           Our Policies,  Our Process, Our Products,
            and participation.                                  Everything should be Best, Must be best. Only
            BORDER INFRASTRUCTURE                               then will we be able to realize the vision of Ek
               Our border  and  coastal  infrastructure         Bharat-Shreshth Bharat.
            also have a huge role in the security of the        EASE OF LIVING
            country. Be it the Himalayan peaks or the             The  middle class  will  be the  biggest
            islands of the Indian Ocean, today there is         beneficiaries  of  'Ease  of  Living';  from  cheap
            an  unprecedented  expansion  of road and           internet  to  economical air  tickets,  highways
            internet connectivity in the country.               to i-ways, and from affordable housing to tax

            DEVELOPMENT OF ISLANDS                              reduction - all  these  measures will  empower
               There  are  more  than  1300  islands  in        the middle-class people of the country.   n
            our country. In  view of their  geographical                    SCAN
            location, considering  their  importance                       QR CODE                 https://www.
                                                                           FOR FULL
            in  the  development  of the  country,  work                  SPEECH OF      
            is  underway to start  new development                        PM AT RED                Nnc
                                                                                        New India Samachar 25
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