Page 28 - NIS English September 1-15
P. 28

Special Story
                            Flagship Scheme: PMJDY




                                                                        Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan

                                                                           Yojana  proves to be a

                                                                           game changer for the

                                                                            beneficiaries across

                                                                            the country crossing

                                                                                 40-crore mark

                  or Rama Devi, a resident of a small village    idea of the benefits of having a bank account.
                  in  Haldwani  district  of Uttarakhand,           Today, with regular credit and debit in her
            Fhaving  a  bank  account was  a  facility           account and use of RuPay debit card, she is
            meant only for the privileged lot of the society.    living  a  blissful  life  and  has  a  plan  to  open
            A mother of three, Rama Devi was assisting           a  recurring  account for her  children.  Now,
            her husband in his general store. The family         she is educating others in her village about
            also  owns a small  piece                                              the  benefits  of  having  a
            of land on which she  used              THE GOVERNMENT                 Jan  Dhan  account. There
            to grow  some cereals  and              HAS PROVIDED AN                are many similar stories of
            vegetables.  After the  launch      ASSISTANCE OF RS 1000              millions  of people  across
            of Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan                                             length  and  breadth  of the
            Yojana (PMJDY) in 2014, she            EACH THROUGH JAN                country  that  are getting
            opened an account in a local        DHAN ACCOUNTS OF THE               benefitted  by  the  PMJDY.
            branch of a nationalised bank      POOR, ELDERLY, MOTHERS                 The  PMJDY  under the
            on the advise  of the  bank                                            National      Mission      for
            officials.  She did not have any        AND SISTERS AND

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