Page 30 - NIS English September 1-15
P. 30

Special Story
                            Flagship Scheme: PMJDY

              SUCCESS STORIES


               or Nabisha Begam of Madurai, it was like life going
            Fhaywire with no financial planning and money getting
            wasted in unnecessary expenses. For her, working as
            a maid servant  and her husband, a contract labour
            managing family with  two school going children was
            getting difficult financially. The PMJDY Account, which
            was her first bank account, gave a new lease of life.
            Now, she has improved her banking habits by making
            regular transactions  and  savings.  She  has  seen  her
            bank balance having five-digit figure. With that savings,
            she  has  started  a  part  time  flower  selling  business.
            This has increased her earnings in dual way - working
            as maid servant in forenoon and as a flower seller in
            evening. She has also planned to increase her business
            by availing OD facility through this account.

            that enormously. They were bereft of all these       of  COVID-19,  the  Government  has  provided
            benefits  for  all  these  years  till  the  scheme   an assistance of Rs 1000 each through Jan
            was launched. Till date, there are 40.29 crore       Dhan Accounts of the poor, elderly, mothers
            beneficiaries with ₹131,129.02 crore balance         and sisters and Divyangjans.
            in their accounts.                                     Prime  Minister's  focus to  link  Jan  Dhan,

              It  is  evident  from the  fact  that  when  the   Aadhar and Mobile (JAM) has produced the
            entire country is fighting the global pandemic       desired results.    n

             28  New India Samachar
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