Page 25 - NIS English September 1-15
P. 25
thinking, the country has got a new National
Education Policy.
In Corona's time, we have seen what the
role of Digital India campaign has been. Just
last month, almost Rs 3 lakh crore have been
transacted from BHIM UPI alone.
Before 2014, only 5 dozen Panchayats in the
country were connected with optical fiber. In
the last five years, 1.5 lakh gram Panchayats
in the country have been connected with
AGRICULTURE INFRASTRUCTURE FUND optical fiber. All 6 lakh villages in the country
Self-reliant India has an important priority will be connected with optical fiber within
- self-sufficient agriculture and self-reliant coming 1000 days.
farmers. To provide modern infrastructure to
the farmers of the country, a few days ago In the initial stage of the
'Agriculture Infrastructure Fund' of Rs 1 lakh
crore has been created. Corona crisis, only 300 tests
JAL JEEVAN could be conducted in one day,
From this same Red Fort, last year, I but in such a short span of
announced the mission of Jal Jeevan. Today, time, our people have shown
under this mission, every day more than one that today we can conduct
lakh houses are getting water connection. more than 7 lakh tests per
POWER OF MIDDLE CLASS day. We started with 300 and
Professionals emanating from the middle reached 7 lakhs!
class make their mark not only in India but
in the whole world. The middle class needs
opportunity, the middle class needs freedom SALUTE TO WOMEN POWER
from government interference. My dear countrymen, our experience says
HOUSING FOR ALL that whenever there is an opportunity for
This is also the first time when the EMI of a women power in India, they have brought
home loan for your home is getting a rebate laurels to the country, strengthened the
of up to Rs 6 lakh during the payment period. country. Today, women are not only working
Just last year, a fund of Rs 25 thousand crore in underground coal mines, but also flying
has been established to complete thousands fighter planes, touching new heights in sky.
of incomplete houses WOMEN ARE MAJOR JAN DHAN
Education of the country has great Of the 40 crore Jan Dhan accounts opened
importance in building self-reliant India, in the country, about 22 crore accounts are of
in building modern India, in building New women only. At the time of Corona, in April-
India, in building prosperous India. With this May-June, about Rs 30,000 crore have been
New India Samachar 23