Page 23 - NIS English September 1-15
P. 23
taking several steps to build Aatma Nirbhar
Bharat. I am confident that measures, like,
opening up the Space sector will generate
many new employment opportunities for
our youth and provide further avenues to
enhance their skills and potential.
Only a few months ago, we used to import
N-95 masks, PPE kits, and ventilators from
abroad. We not only made N-95 masks, PPE
kits and ventilators during the pandemic, but
were able to export these to all over the world.
Apart from ‘Make in India’, we must also
embrace the mantra of ‘Make for World’.
You must have noticed that a
special stress has been laid in
THE WORLD National Research Foundation
India's freedom struggle inspired the entire because in order to progress, the
world. The idea of expansionism left some nation needs to innovate. Higher
countries enslaved. Even in the midst of
fierce wars, India did not allow its freedom the stress that will be laid on
movement to suffer. innovation and research, greater
RESOLVE FOR A SELF-RELIANT INDIA would be the strength to take India
Amid Covid pandemic, 130 crore Indians forward in this competitive world.
took the resolve to be self-reliant, and 'Aatma
Nirbhar Bharat' is on the mind of India.
This dream is turning into a pledge. Aatma PIPELINE PROJECT TO BOOST GROWTH
Nirbhar Bharat has become a 'mantra' for National Infrastructure pipeline project
the 130 crore Indians today. I am confident worth Rs 110 lakh crore will boost our overall
of the abilities, confidence and potential of infrastructure projects. We will now focus
my fellow Indians. Once we decide to do on multi-model connectivity infrastructure.
something, we do not rest till we achieve that We can't work in silos anymore; we need
goal. to focus on comprehensive and integrated
CRUCIAL ROLE TO PLAY IN GLOBAL infrastructure. About 7,000 projects of
ECONOMY different sectors have also been identified.
Today, the whole world is inter-connected It will bring a new revolution in infrastructure
and inter-dependent. It's time for India to play sector.
an important role in the global economy. For INDIA, A MAJOR FOOD PRODUCER
this, India has to become self-reliant. From How long will the raw material from our
Agriculture, Space to healthcare, India is country become a finished product and
New India Samachar 21