Page 19 - NIS English September 1-15
P. 19
impact of job-loss. and growth. This reinforces the belief that we
lThe needy are being given free food need to rise above all man-made differences,
grains, so that no family goes hungry. The prejudices, and barriers.
largest free food distribution programme in lThe third lesson is about augmenting
the world has been extended till the end of health infrastructure. Public hospitals and
November 2020 to provide succour to about laboratories have been leading the fight
80 crore people every month. against COVID-19.
lThe Government has brought back more lThe fourth lesson relates to science
than 10 lakh Indians under the ‘Vande Bharat and technology. During the lockdown and
Mission’. Railways have been operating train subsequent unlocking, information and
services, in these challenging circumstances, communication technology has emerged as
to facilitate travel and transportation of an effective tool for governance, education,
people and goods. business, office work and social connect.
lThe overwhelming support India got lThe Government has decided to
at the elections for the non-permanent implement the National Education Policy.
seat of the United Nations Security Council This will transform the future challenges
is a testimony to the goodwill, we enjoy into opportunities, paving the way for a New
internationally. India.
lIndia's self-reliance means being self- lThe ‘National Education Policy’ will
sufficient without alienating or creating strengthen the culture of ‘Inclusion’,
distance from the world. ‘Innovation’ and ‘Institution’ in the sphere of
lSome in our neighbourhood tried to carry education. Imparting education in the mother
out their misadventure of expansion. Our tongue has been given emphasis in order to
brave soldiers laid down their lives defending help young minds grow spontaneously.
our borders. The entire nation salutes the lThe issue of Ram Janmabhoomi was
martyrs of Galwan Valley. resolved through judicial process. All
lLandmark reforms have been introduced concerned parties and the people respectfully
in Agriculture sector. Now, farmers can have accepted the verdict of the Supreme Court
barrier-free trade and get the best price and displayed before the world, Indian ethos
for their produce anywhere in the country. of peace, non-violence, love and harmony.
The Essential Commodities Act has been सर्वे भर्न्तु सखिनः, सर्वे सन्तु ननरामयाः।
amended to remove certain regulatory
restrictions on farmers. सर्वे भद्ाखि पश्यन्तु, मा कखचिद् दतु:िभाग् भर्ेत्॥
lWe have learnt some tough lessons in The message of this prayer for universal
the year 2020. The pandemic, like climate well-being is India’s unique gift to humanity.
change, has awakened the global community I once again congratulate you on the eve
to our shared destiny. In my view, 'human- of 74th Independence Day. I wish you good
centric collaboration' is more important than health and a bright future. n
'economy-centric inclusion', in the present SCAN QR
context. Thank you, FULL SPEECH
lThe second lesson is that we are all Jai Hind! OF HON'BLE
equal before Mother Nature and we primarily PRESIDENT OF
depend on our fellow residents for survival
New India Samachar 17