Page 15 - NIS English September 1-15
P. 15

KISAN RAIL: The                 National Cold Supply Chain.  HORTICULTURE: Rs
                    Government has started          This will ensure farmers        10,500 crore have been
                    its first Kisan Rail which      to get right price for their    invested in horticulture
                    will run from Devlali in        produce.                        sector in the last five years.
                    Maharashtra to Danapur          PM-KISAN: Rs 90,000             TRADITIONAL
                    in Bihar covering Nasik         crore have been transferred  AGRICULTURE
                    Road, Manmaad, Jalgaon,         to more than 10 crore           DEVELOPMENT: About
                    Bhusawal, Burhanpur,            farmers.                        6 Lakh Hectares area has
                    Khandwa, Itarsi, Jabalpur,                                      been covered under organic
                    Katni, Satna, Manikpur,         PRODUCTION: Despite             farming. Scheme is on for
                    Prayagraj Chheoki, Pt. Deen  COVID-19, the production is        covering another 25 lakh
                    Dayal Upadhyay Nagar            estimated at 295.67 million     hectares.
                    and Buxar stations. The         tonne an increase of 3.7%
                    train will have maximum         which was 2.9 % in              MORE SOWING AREA:
                    freight rate of Rs 4001 per     2019-20.                        An increase of 13.92 %
                    tonne. The train carrying       START UP: 346 start ups         in sowing of Kharif crops
                    perishable goods like milk,     related to agriculture get a    with increase in area from
                    vegetables and fruits will      fund of Rs 3671.75 lakh.        774.37 lakh hectares to
                    play a crucial role in making                                   882.18 lakh hectares.

            also  released  the  6th  instalment  under  the      scheme. He said the scheme would provide
            PM-KISAN  scheme  of  Rs  17,000  crore  to           a financial boost to farmers and agriculture
            nearly 8.5 crore farmers. The cash benefit was        sector and increase India’s ability to compete
            transferred  directly  to  their  Aadhaar  verified   on the global stage.
            bank accounts. With this transfer, the scheme           India  has  a huge opportunity to invest
            has  provided  over  Rs  90,000  crore  to  more      in  post-harvest    management    solutions
            than  10  crore  farmers  since  its  launch  on      like  warehousing,  cold storage, and  food
            December 1, 2018.                                     processing, and  build  a global  presence  in
            PM INTERACTS WITH PRIMARY                             areas  such  as  organic  and  fortified  foods.
            AGRICULTURE CREDIT SOCIETIES                          This scheme provides a good opportunity for

               Prime Minister also interacted with various        start-ups in agriculture to avail benefits and
            Primary  Agriculture  Credit  Societies  from         scale  up their  operations,  thereby  creating
            Karnataka, Gujarat and Madhya Pradesh                 an ecosystem that reaches farmers in every
            through the video conferencing. The societies         corner of the country.
            informed him about their  plans  to build               Prime Minister noted that the scale of the
            godowns, setup  grading and  sorting  units           program  was so large that  funds released
            which would help member farmers to secure a           on  the  day  reached  more  people  than  the
            higher price for their produce.                       entire  population  of  several  countries  taken

            FINANCIAL BOOST TO AGRICULTURE                        together.  n
               Following his  interaction  with  the  Primary                                           https://www.
                                                                       SCAN QR CODE FOR
            Agriculture Credit  Societies,  Prime  Minister            PM'S SPEECH ON THE             watch?time_con
            expressed  confidence  that  farmers  and  the           LAUNCH OF AGRICULTURE            tinue=3&v=yjcvy
            agriculture sector would be benefited from the            INFRASTRUCTURE FUND               e=emb_logo

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