Page 17 - NIS English September 1-15
P. 17

'Nai Talim' was not merely to train oneselves        the entire world and the NEP addresses this
            in  an  occupation,  but  to  develop  a  more       responsibility, which aims at developing many
            humane person. The true education should be          technology-based content and courses.
            easily accessible to all and should be of use        AUTONOMY FOR HIGHER EDUCATION
            for everyone in his day to day life.                 INSTITUTIONS
            NEP TO PREPARE GLOBAL CITIZENS                          Higher  education  institutions  need  to  be

                The NEP stresses on ‘How to think’. The          empowered through autonomy. There are two
            emphasis  is  on  inquiry-based,  discovery-         types of debates about autonomy. One says
            based, discussion-based and analysis-based           that everything should be done strictly under
            learning methods for children which would            the Government control, while the other says
            enhance their urge to learn and participate in       that all institutions should get autonomy by
            the classes. It wants that a student should get      default.  The  Prime  Minister  said,  “The  first
            the opportunity to follow his passion. It often      opinion comes out of mistrust towards non-
            happens that when a student looks for a job          Government institutions while autonomy
            after doing a course, he finds that what he has      is  treated  as  an  entitlement  in  the  second
            studied does not meet the requirement of the         approach. The path to good quality education
            job. Many students also leave the course, so         lies in the middle of these two opinions.”
                 l NEP to increase Gross            Bachelor’s Degree after 3      l y 2030, the minimum
                                                                                      the NCTE
               HIGHER EDUCATION  l UG education with   l Multidisciplinary         l A dedicated unit for digital
                   Enrolment Ratio in higher
                                                    years and Bachelor’s with
                   education from 26.3%
                                                    Research after 4 years.
                                                                                      degree qualification for
                   (2018) to 50% by 2035.
                                                                                      teaching will be a 4-year
                   3.5 crore new seats to be
                                                                                      integrated B.Ed. degree
                                                    Education and Research
                                                    Universities at par with
                                                    IITs, IIMs to  be set up
                                                                                      infrastructure, digital
                   multiple entry-exit options.
                                                  l National Curriculum
                                                                                      content and capac-ity
                   For example, Certificate
                                                    Framework for Teacher
                                                                                      building to be created in
                   after 1 year, Advanced
                                                    Education, NCFTE 2021
                                                                                      the MHRD to look after
                   Diploma after 2 years,
                                                                                      e-education needs
                                                    to be formulated by
            in order to take care of the needs of all such       TO DEVELOP STRONG TEACHING SYSTEM
            students option of multiple entry-exit has been
                                                                    The  NEP  focuses  on  developing  a  strong
            provided in the NEP.                                 teaching system where teachers can produce
               It also provides for a ‘Credit Bank’ where        good professionals and good citizens. There
            students can have the freedom to leave  a            is a great emphasis on teacher training in the
            course  in-between  and  resume  when  they          NEP. Prime Minister quoted former President
            want to do so. Prime Minister said, “We are          Dr  APJ  Abdul  Kalam,  “The  purpose  of
            moving  towards  an  era  where  a  person  will     education is to make good human beings with
            have to constantly reskill and upskill himself.”     skill and expertise. Enlightened human beings

            DIGNITY OF LABOUR OUTLINED                           can be created by teachers.”   n
               A lot of attention has been given to dignity
            of labour in the new policy. India has the ability       SCAN QR CODE   
            to give solutions of talent and technology to            FOR PM'S FULL            continue=263&v=4SV5rf_
                                                                       SPEECH ON
                                                                          NEP                 DHtE&feature=emb_logo

                                                                                        New India Samachar 15
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