Page 14 - NIS English September 1-15
P. 14
Agriculture Helping Hand For Farmers
initiated by the
will herald a
new era of
A NEW DAWN FOR growth for the
sector and its
for livelihood
of farmers
mid various measures taken by the These assets will enable farmers to get
Government with the objective of greater value for their produce as they will be
Adoubling the income of farmers by able to store and sell at higher prices, reduce
2022, Prime Minister Narendra Modi on wastage, and increase processing and value
August 9, 2020, launched a new scheme addition. The first tranche of Rs 1000 crore
of financing facility under the Agriculture was released to over 2280 FPOs within 30
Infrastructure Fund of Rs 1 lakh crore. The days of the formal approval of the scheme.
scheme will support farmers, PACS, FPOs, The event was conducted through video
agri-entrepreneurs etc in building community conference and was attended by lakhs of
farming assets and post-harvest agriculture farmers, FPOs, cooperatives, PACS, and
infrastructure. citizens across the country. Prime Minister
PM-KISAN scheme launched in February lThe Agriculture Infrastructure Fund is a
24, 2019 provides Rs 6000 per year to medium and long-term debt financing facility
eligible beneficiary farmers in three equal for investment in projects for post-harvest
instalments by cash benefit transfer management infrastructure and community
(subject to certain exclusion criteria) to farming assets through interest subvention and
enable them to fulfil their agricultural credit guarantee
requirements and support their families. l Duration of the scheme shall be from 2020 to 2029
The United Progressive Alliance l Rs 1 lakh crore will be provided by banks and
government waived- off (Karj Mafi) Rs financial institutions as loans with interest
72000 crore loans of farmers, the NDA subvention of 3% per annum and credit guarantee
government has the policy of freedom coverage under CGTMSE scheme for loans up to
from debt Karj Mukti for farmers. Rs 2 crore.
12 New India Samachar