Page 13 - NIS English September 1-15
P. 13

and  Funding  the  Unfunded”  and  that  the
                                                                  platform of “Honouring the Honest” is in the
                                                                  similar direction.

                                                                    The Prime Minister praised the role of
                                                                  honest taxpayers in nation building and
                                                                  said that making the lives of such taxpayers
                                                                  easy is the responsibility of the government.
                                                                  “When the life of an honest taxpayer of the
                                                                  country becomes easy, he  moves forward
                                                                  and develops, then the country also develops
                                                                  and leaps forward,” the Prime Minister added.
                                                                    He  further  said  that  the  country’s  tax
                        THE BENEFITS                              structure needed fundamental reforms as

                 FACELESS           FACELESS APPEAL               the earlier tax structure was developed from
               ASSESSMENT           lTaxpayer will have           the  one  created  during  pre-independent
              lLocal taxation       the right to appeal           times. Even several changes made during
              officer will not      against the notice. Both      the post-independent times did not alter its
              make assessment  taxpayer and the officer           fundamental character.
              of the case of its    will not see face to face       The Prime Minister said that the latest laws
              own region            l Taxpayer can                reduced the legal burden in the tax system.

              l The case will be  complaint against the           The limit of filing cases in the High Court has
              allotted through      officer to its boss and       been fixed at up to Rs 1 crore and up to Rs 2
              centralized digital   through customer care         crore for filing in the Supreme Court. Initiatives
              process in which      number or through             like the 'Vivaad Se Vishwas' scheme pave the
              any officer could     email info.mfin@govt.         way for most of the cases to be settled out of
              be given the case     mt or http://www.             court.
              lAssessment will                 The Prime Minister also referred to
              be done by three      lComplainant  and             rationalisation of tax slab where there is zero
              teams. First one      the redressal officer         tax up to an income of Rs 5 lakh, while the tax
              will draft, second    will remain ignorant          rate has been reduced in the remaining slabs
              one will review       of each other and it          too.
              and the final one     will be solved within a         The  Prime  Minister,  however,  said  that  it
              will complete it.     stipulated time.              cannot be denied that only 1.5 crore people

                                                                  pay the taxes in a country of 130 crores. He
            laying on the returnees. In the last 6 years, India   urged  people  to  introspect  themselves  and
            has seen a new model of governance evolving           come  forward  to  pay  the  taxes  due.  This
            in tax administration. Amidst all these efforts,      would help in the making of a Self - Reliant
            the number of people filing income tax return         India, Aatma Nirbhar Bharat.  n
            has increased by about 2.5 crores in the last 6-7

              Prime  Minister  said  that  the  focus  of  the          SCAN QR         
            Government  in  the  last  six  years  has  been          CODE FOR PM'S                ntinue=4&v=5fIQe
                                                                       FULL SPEECH
            “Banking the Unbanked, Securing the Unsecured                ON TAX                       mb_logo
                                                                                        New India Samachar 11
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