Page 12 - NIS English September 1-15
P. 12
Taxation New Taxpayers Charter
The Government
initiates major reforms
in filing IT returns with a
platform for the ‘upright’
eeping in tune with the
reforms at the infrastructural
Klevel, the Government has
initiated reforms in the taxation
system, especially in the sphere of
filing Income Tax. Prime Minister
Narendra Modi launched a platform
for ‘Transparent Taxation - Honouring
the Honest’ on August 13, 2020
through video conferencing. The
platform has major reforms like
Faceless Assessment, Faceless
Appeal and Taxpayers Charter.
Speaking on the occasion, Prime
Minister said that Faceless Assessment
and Taxpayers Charter have come into
force immediately while the facility
of faceless appeal will be available
for citizens across the country from
September 25, the birth anniversary of of entangling him further. Referring to the
Deendayal Upadhyay. Apart from being Faceless system, he said, there is no need
faceless, the new platform is aimed at boosting for a direct contact between the Taxpayer
the confidence of the taxpayer and making him/ and the Income Tax Officer in all matters of
her fearless. scrutiny, notice, survey or assessment.
Prime Minister said that the ongoing reforms Referring to the reduction of the scrutiny
aim at making the tax system Seamless, of the cases by at least four times in the last
Painless, Faceless. The Seamless system works six years from 0.94% in 2012-13 to 0.26% in
to resolve the problems of a taxpayer instead 2018-19, Prime Minister said this itself is a
reflection of the trust that the Government is
10 New India Samachar