Page 9 - NIS English September 1-15
P. 9
Highways Nitin Gadkari said, "The bridge is PM REVIEWS FLOOD
a marvel of civil engineering and would be SITUATION
a good example for students pursuing civil
engineering." Apart from this, the Centre has Prime Minister Narendra Modi held a
expedited construction of highways costing meeting through video conference on August
about Rs 30,000 crore in Bihar. 10, 2020 with Chief Ministers of Assam, Bihar,
Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra, Karnataka and
EXCERPTS FROM NITIN GADKARI’S Kerala to take stock of the flood situation and
review their preparedness to deal with it. Flood
4Renovation work situation in some of the states of the country
of two lanes of the old was devastating.
bridge on Ganga River
completed and other
two lanes to be ready
by December, 2021
4Rs 1,742 crore
will be spent on the
renovation of 5.5-km-long bridge
4Over 76,000 vehicles pass through the
route daily. Opening of two lanes will ease
traffic jam issue
4The bridge was designed by IIT, Roorkee
4Patna will also have a new four lane
bridge costing about Rs 2,926 crore. Tender
was opened in August and construction will There was an emphasis on better
commence from October. The target for its coordination between central and state
completion is March, 2024. agencies to have a permanent system for
forecasting of floods and extensive use of
4Country will have the first bridge of its innovative technologies for improving forecast
kind under which a ship can pass n and warning system. Prime Minister said, “Our
forecasting agencies like India Meteorological
FOR MAHATMA Department and Central Water Commission
GANDHI SETU have been making concerted efforts to make
better and more usable flood forecasts. They
are trying to provide not only rainfall and
Prayagraj and in Yamuna River river level forecast but also location specific
Haldiya in WB between Delhi and forecast of inundation.”
lDredging Prayagraj. There are pilot efforts underway to use
completed between lRs 12,000 crore innovative technologies such as artificial
Prayagraj and worth DPR has intelligence to improve location-specific
Varanasi. In the already been forecast, for which States should provide
next phase, one submitted to the necessary information to these agencies
metre draft is World Bank for this and timely disseminate the warnings to local
being worked upon phase. communities. n
New India Samachar 7