Page 5 - NIS English September 1-15
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टेक्नोलॉजी 25 साल का हुआ भारत में इंटरनेट Digital Connectivity Internet
India celebrates 25th
birthday of Internet
ugust 15 is celebrated as 56 TIMES INCREASE IN DATA 46,404
Independence Day of the country USAGE IN LAST FIVE YEARS
Abut it has many milestones to its (in million GB)
credit including the launch of Internet
in India 25 years ago.
Union Minister for Electronics
and Information Technology & 20,092
Communications Ravi Shankar Prasad WIRELESS DATA USAGE
said, "On this 15th August, we marked VOLUME OF YEARLY (in million GB)
25 years of Internet in India. With
687.6 million Internet users, India 4,642
offers Internet at the lowest tariffs in
the world. Initiatives like Digital India, 1,375
CSC & BharatNet have empowered the 828
common citizens using the power of
Videsh Sanchar Nigam Ltd (VSNL) 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
has the credit of bringing Internet to Data get 96 per cent cheaper in the last 5 years
India. Initially Internet services were Year Data rate (Rs/GB)
costlier but in the last five years, rates 2014-15 269
have gone down around 96 per cent 2015-16 226 (About two thirds
with the increasing number of Internet 2016-17 75 subscribers are below
users in the bargain. 2017-18 19 29 years of age.)
2018-19 11 Source : TRAI
There were around 10 crore Internet
users in 2010. Today there are over 50 MORE USERS IN VILLAGES
crore users which is a five fold increase. With the increasing use people are using Internet
Telecom Authority of India’s (TRAI) of smart phones and whereas in villages, the
report on the usage of Internet in India Internet rates going down, figure has reached to
has an interesting insight. Quantity of rural India has left urban around 23 crore. India
total wireless data was only 82.8 crore India far behind in Internet has around 50.40 crore
GB in 2014. However, it got increased data consumption. Internet users with
to 4640.4 crore GB in 2018. But it didn’t Villages have 10 per cent around 380 crore people
stop there and reached to 5491.7 crore more users than cities. using Internet in the
GB at the end of 2019. n In cities around 21 crore world.
New India Samachar 3