Page 21 - NIS English September 1-15
P. 21
Speaking from the ramparts of the Red Fort,
Prime Minister Narendra Modi gave the
Mantra of a Self-Reliant India to
give impetus to the growth story of
130 crore Indians
s he arrived at the ramparts of the In his 1 hour 27 minute long speech,
historic Red Fort to address the the Prime Minister laid out his elaborate
nation on the 74th Independence strategy to push the growth philosophy
ADay, Shri Narendra Modi who forward and reminded the nation its
is at the helm of the country’s fight resolve to turn every crisis into an
against the COVID-19 Pandemic was well opportunity.
aware of the challenges that gripped the He urged the country to “Make in India”
nation and the prevailing somber mood. with a purpose of “Make for World”. He
He had one strong mantra to energize was conscious of the fact that Self-
the nation of 130 Crore people - the Reliance does not mean that we limit
#AatmaNirbharBharat – a Self-Reliant ourselves to only our country but that we
India, the path which would let India shine expand our wings to reach the World.
in its full glory in the comity of the nations. Prime Minister dwelt on how the
“This third decade of the 21st century Corona Warriors are putting up a brave
should be the decade when we fulfil front in fighting the pandemic and also
our dreams. Corona is a big hurdle, but came down heavily on the Expansionist
not that huge that it can stop us from Tendencies and Policies of a few which
moving ahead on the victorious path of are disturbing the international fabric.
Self-Reliant India.” Prime Minister congratulated the
New India Samachar 19