Page 4 - Zenger Folkman Leadership Skills 2023 Report
P. 4

1             Problematic

                   4 TEAM PROFILES

                          01         Nothing is Ever             02          Blame Game
                                     Good Enough
                                     Team                                    Team

                         Team members are on the lookout       There is a constant effort to blame
                        for problems and anything done         others for mistakes or problems.
                        wrong. There is very little            Team members resist responsibility.
                        recognition and few rewards.

                          03         Micromanaged                 04         Poor
                                     Team                                    Team

                        People learn quickly that they should  This team is held back because of
                        only do work that is requested,        poor systems and ineffective
                        complete it in an approved way, and    processes. They are often accused
                        never innovate or take initiative to try  of a lack of employee motivation.
                        something new.

                  Measuring Team Trust

                  In order to establish a better foundation, team members need a clear
                  understanding of where trust is lacking and flourishing.  We found that teams with
                  scores above the 75th percentile on all three elements of trust (consistency,
                  relationships, and expertise) had engagement scores in the 88th percentile!

       K          Have you ever worked in a team where you loved coming to work, felt lucky
       L          to be part of that group, and were willing to invest extra time and effort to
       F          achieve goals and objectives? High TRUST is a key element in creating that

                  kind of team.
       G          Explore Zenger Folkman's microlearning team session, The Trifecta of Trust.
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