Page 147 - Pharmacognosy 2 PG303
P. 147

Level 2                    Clinical Pharmacy-Pharm D

pper epidermis: diacytic   1- Upper epidermis: anisocytic  1- Covering trichomes (Shaggy
ata, a capitate glandular  stomata.                        and cystolith)
ome                        2- Calcium oxalate crystals.    2- anomocytic stomata.
nicellular trichomes.      3- Sclereids of the testa.
ower epidermis:
iacytic stomata, red       Alkaloids: are mostly           Brown resin containing:
 iaceous hair, Bent        Hyoscyamine, Hyoscine,          Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC)
chome.                     Atropine.                       main principle.

tile oil: mainly thymol
chol tannins

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