Page 42 - final Practical handout PG 303-Cogno-2- 2024-2025
P. 42

Clinical Pharm D                    Level 2              Pharmacognosy-2 (PG 303)

Item              Ginger                     Curcuma               Galangal

                  rhizome ‫ريزومة‬             (Turmeric)             rhizome
                                                                / ‫ريزومة القولنجان‬
                  ‫الجنزبيل‬          ‫ريزومة الكركم‬rhizome

Macroscopical ✓ Hand with              ✓ Finger shape.          ✓ Branched
characters                             ✓ Yellow color.
                  fingers                                          rhizome.
                                    (1) Few drops of mixture    ✓ Reddish
                  (sympodially      of (Conc. H₂SO₄/ 95%
                                    alcohol), then sprinkle a      brown color.
                  branched          small amount of powder,
                                    particles of curcuma turn
                     pieces).       red.
                  ✓ Buff or light   (2) Powder/ether, extract
                                    with CHCl₃, dry on filter
                  brown color.      paper, yellow stain, by
                                    treatment with hot
Notes             ✓ Absence of      saturated boric acid
                                    solution, an orange red
                  lignified         color is produced turns
                                    into bluish black color by
                     elements.      addition of ammonia.
                  ✓ Absence of Ca.


Chemical tests Pungency is
                    destroyed with

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