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Pre - Independence Reunion
he Indian Mountain Artillery in the March of 1933 Finally, 230 Indian officers and about 1200 pensioners
T consisted of nineteen batteries. Ambala station had three were invited. Every facility by road and rail was offered and
artillery regimental headquarters including a Mountain eventually some 152 Indian officers and 750 other ranks turned
Artillery, a Medium Brigade as well as the Mountain Artillery up. Admirable arrangements were made by Lieutenant Colonel
Training Centre. The officers of the Mountain Artillery had Little, the Centre Commandant and his staff. A large camp was
long planned a Reunion, the first of its kind. Move of the pitched and the young soldiers of the Centre organised to wait
Mountain Artillery Training Centre from Lucknow to Ambala, and take care of the old. Lieutenant General Sir George
a central location in Punjab in 1931 made it possible. Mac Munn, KCB, KCSI, DSO, Colonel Commandant Royal
Artillery arrived on the day of the assembly. The functions
In the beginning of 1933, there were perhaps 6000 included sports, displays and spectacles and open air cinemas.
non-effectives of the Indian ranks of the Mountain Artillery. It All arrangements worked admirably and the gathering was a
was arranged that each of the six mountain artillery brigades scene of romance and fidelity beyond description.
submit 200 names of men to be invited to a Reunion and
further publicity was given in the Fauji Akbhar. On 16 March 1933, in the morning, Field Marshal Sir
Philip Chetwode, the Commander-in-Chief arrived and with
him the Quartermaster-General, Sir Alexande Wardrop,
Colonel Commandant Royal Artillery, Lieutenant General
Kirwan, the Master General of the Ordnance, Major General
Newcome, the Inspector of Artillery, Brigadier A. H.
Moberley, commanding the Artillery of the Northern
Command, and Colonel Farfan, commanding the Artillery
School at Kakul.
The Chief interacted with the veteran officers and men
and was astounded to see the medals and decoration
representing years of loyal and staunch service.
Camel Pack Artillery, Bikaner State Forces at the Reunion