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             Post Independence Reunions

                   he    First  Reunion  of  the  Regiment  of  Artillery,  post              The  Fourth  Reunion  was  held  at  Artillery  Centre,
             T  Independence took place at Artillery Centre, Nasik Road             Hyderabad in November 1965. The decision to hold the Sixth
             from 28  February to 1  March 1951. The Reunion was graced             Reunion at Artillery Centre, Nasik Road, which originally was
             by the Commander-in-Chief General KM Cariappa, OBE and                 scheduled to be held at Artillery Centre, Hyderabad, was taken
             Lieutenant  General  Maharaj  Shri  Rajendrasinhji,  DSO,  the         at the Artillery Conference held at Artillery Centre, Hyderabad
             first Colonel Commandant of the Regiment of Artillery and a            in September 1977. It was also resolved in the same conference,
             host of officers, JCOs and OR. It was then decided to continue         that  in  view  of  better  facilities  and  a  more  compact  set  up

             with  the  tradition  of  holding  the  Regiment  of  Artillery            available  at  Artillery  Centre,  Nasik  Road  and  the  School  of
             Reunion  once  every  five  years,  to  address  issues  of  retired             Artillery, Devlali, all future Reunions would be held there.
             artillery personnel.

             The First Reunion at Artillery Centre, Nasik Road, 1951
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