Page 43 - Killip Yearbook Updated
P. 43

COMMUNITY    1. SUBMIT                                             2. PRESENT



 During  the  Cherokee  Elementary  Rebuild  project,   The “Volume” lesson was initially scheduled for just
 CORE  partnered  with  the  Cherokee  Elementary   after spring break. Unfortunately, with the spread of
 fourth grade teachers to provide a math lesson   COVID-19, all classroom teaching was suspended
 about volume. The homework assignment consisted   for the rest of the year, but CORE was determined to
 of the students designing their own garden planters.   find another way. We decided to record the “Volume”
 They were to calculate the total volume of planter   lesson to be used in online classes and the students
 soil that would be required to fill the planters. Once   were able to present their designs and calculations   3. AWARD  4. BUILD
 the assignment  was complete, the teachers and   virtually.  Once  the  top  three  to  five  designs  were
 CORE team selected the top designs. These student   chosen,  CORE hosted  an  online presentation  with
 designs  qualified  for  the  added  bonus  round  in   the  school  Principal  acknowledging  the  students
 which the planters were actually constructed  on   whose planters were selected to be built.

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