Page 15 - TRSSL Handbook Flip
P. 15

Bus Stops  Reversing    • Only use parking spaces designed for cars if this will not  Burning vehicles present a variety of potential dangers; the
               cause a nuisance to other users.               fire itself, explosion and toxic fumes. As soon as all personnel
 Unless a bus stop is dedicated to a specific service only, bus   Reversing a minibus is potentially dangerous; it is worth  are in a place of safety fighting the fire should be left to the
 stops can be used but only to allow passengers to board or  planning the drive to minimise the need to reverse.    • If passengers are to have access to the minibus while  emergency services.
 alight. Do not use for any other purpose.         parked risk assess the area leaving and approaching the
 When it is necessary to reverse:-                            Breakdown
 The advantage of using a bus stop is that it is almost certain     • Before reversing step out of the minibus and check the         minibus.  Motorways
 to be a safe place for passengers to board or alight.      • Always lock the minibus when unattended.
        area behind.                                            • Attempt to reach the hard shoulder, and stop near an
          • Always check all the passengers and luggage on and off         emergency phone if possible
   • Do not reverse further than necessary.
 Picking Up and Dropping Off Passengers         the minibus, especially when travelling outside the UK.    • Do not use a warning triangle. Walking on the hard
   • Do not reverse in areas where there are a lot of pedestrians.
 When picking up or dropping passengers the driver must park   What to do in the event of...         shoulder presents an unacceptable risk.
 in a safe place that allows easy access and egress from the     • Activate the audible warning device, if fitted.    • Evacuate passengers and move them as far from the side
 passenger door.  Always park on the left hand side of the road     • Avoid using a third party to guide you back unless they  FIRE         of the motorway as is practical.
 so passengers do not get out into the traffic .  Do not park         are properly trained in vehicle guidance.    • If possible position the minibus where passengers can
 close to high verges, hedges, ditches etc which may cause          evacuate safely but where other people are not exposed     • Do not allow passengers to stand in front of the disabled
 difficulty for passengers.    • Where possible reverse to the right, not the left, as this         minibus - they are at serious risk if a passing vehicle
       gives the driver a much clearer field of view.         to danger.         strikes the minibus.  Stand behind and watch
 When dropping off children, it is important that they do not     • Switch off ignition         approaching traffic.
 go round the front of the minibus to cross the road as they   If in any doubt, STOP and check.
 will be hidden by the bulk of the minibus and will suddenly     • Evacuate able-bodied passengers first, and then evacuate    • Use the emergency phone to call for assistance, facing
 emerge onto the carriageway.  The driver or attendant should   Parking         disabled and/or injured passengers. (evacuating in this         the traffic while making the call
 get out of the vehicle, open the door and stand forward of          order leaves more room)  Other Roads
 the side door and direct the children round the back of the     • The minibus should always be parked in a safe and legal    • Tell passengers to go up wind so toxic fumes are not    • Attempt to stop in a safe place or at least evacuate the
 minibus or see them across the road.         position.         blown towards them.         passengers to safety.
   • When organising a trip try and pre-plan where parking
        will be available.    • Only use the fire extinguisher to gain time for passenger    • In the event that it is unsafe to disembark the passengers
               evacuation if required.                               keep the passenger seat belts on.
   • When entering a car park check for height restrictions.
          • DO NOT open bonnet of the minibus to reach an engine fire.    • Use a mobile phone to summon help if necessary
 14    • Check notices restricting the use of car parks by minibuses.    • Call the emergency services    • Do not leave minors unattended in the vehicle.  15
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