Page 10 - TRSSL Handbook Flip
P. 10
An Example of a Complete Safety Check:
Approaching minibus check the suspension by checking that the minibus is standing evenly. Documentation and Notices Equipment
Look underneath the minibus for fluid leaks. The following paperwork should be aboard and available for Fire Extinguisher: Mandatory; should be foam and
use by the driver:- minimum rated 5A. Location must be clear. Minibuses that
Unlock the minibus and open the bonnet to check fluid levels; oil, brake fluid, power steering fluid, engine coolant and windscreen washer fluid. carry passengers in wheelchairs must have 2 extinguishers.
Visually check hoses and drive belts. Journey Log: This need only be a basic record of date,
distance and purpose but can include any information First Aid Kit: Mandatory; must have contents list and be
Turn ignition key to pre-ignition stage and check warning lights and instruments.
required by the operator. It should be completed on a daily complete; should not contain drugs; location must be clear.
Select reverse gear and listen for reversing beeper (if fitted). Check the reversing lights work. basis and signed by the driver
Turn on hazard lights, headlights and fog-lights. High-Vis Vests: for use during emergency evacuation or
Defect Log: To be completed before a journey to report when the minibus is broken down in a potentially dangerous
Move to offside front corner and begin walk-around check in clockwise direction. existing defects and at the end to report new defects. position.
Check all offside front lights Check reflectors are present, undamaged and clean.
Passenger List: This should be completed before the start Sick Bags
Check offside front tyre, offside front wheel nuts, and offside front mud-flap. Check rear mudguard and mud-flap. of all journeys to assist in keeping track of passengers and to
Check offside door mirror is present, clean and undamaged. Check all offside rear lights assist the emergency services in the event of an incident. Mobile phone: for non-motorway emergency use.
Check offside door; window clean, door closes correctly. Check rear wipers Crash/Breakdown Pack: This should include a check list of Warning Triangle: for non-motorway emergency use.
Check complete offside for damage. Check rear step. actions, incident report forms, statement sheets for witnesses, Hammer/belt Cutter: for emergency evacuation of trapped
emergency telephone numbers, insurance and breakdown
Check rear wheel(s): tyres etc. Check rear number-plate and lights. recovery details and a disposable camera. (digital camera passengers.
Check roof-rack fixings (if fitted) Check tow-bar or tail-lift (if fitted) pictures are not always accepted by insurance companies) Spare Bulb Kit
Check rear of minibus for damage. Current Tax Disc
Check rear (emergency) door opens and secures. (also from inside) Straps: for securing luggage.
Section 19/22 Permit: If applicable
Complete nearside checks as for offside (with passenger door shut) Ice Scrapper: (in winter) - ideally a long handled one so
Check windscreen is clean, damage free, free of stickers obscuring view, displays current tax disc, and Section 19 permit (if appropriate). Notices: should include:- ‘No Smoking’; ‘Wear Seat Belts’; that the whole windscreen can be scrapped easily.
Available Loading Weight; Vehicle Dimensions; Location of
Check wiper blades Fire Extinguisher and First Aid Kit (if not easily visible); Emer- Dust Pan and Brush
Inside passenger compartment check; first aid kit, fire extinguisher, seat belts, seat fixings, interior lights. gency Exit; Speed Limiter Warning; MOT expiry date
(If the vehicle is more than 1 year old).
From the driver’s seat, after starting the engine, check the warning lights and instruments and listen to the exhaust note for signs of damage.
Check windscreen washers and wipers for correct function. 11