Page 5 - TRSSL Handbook Flip
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Introduction Regulations
Taking charge of a minibus represents a serious Regulations
responsibility for the driver; primarily for the safety
and comfort of the passengers but also for all other
road-users and, of course, the driver themselves. Licence Requirements to Drive a Minibus D1 (101) licence
Drivers who passed the car driving test before January 1997
The aim of this handbook is to provide minibus drivers D1 PCV licence and Driver’s Certificate of were issued with this licence category automatically, together
with a source of information that will clarify the rules and Professional Competence (DCPC) with other categories such as C1 and E. If they passed the car
act as a reminder of all the elements that help to make When driving a minibus that is being operated for commercial on an automatic car they can only drive minibuses with
minibus travel safe and enjoyable for everyone. purposes the driver must hold a D1 PCV licence and an initial automatic gearboxes.
DCPC. To achieve these qualifications a new driver must pass
No driver, regardless of licence entitlement, should a vocational medical, apply for provisional D1 entitlement on D1 (101) entitles the driver to drive a minibus, voluntarily, for
take charge of a minibus without completing a robust their licence and then train for, and pass, a four module testing non-commercial organisations but not ‘for hire or reward’.
programme of training and assessment. Licence process. D1 (101) licence holders can, however, be paid to drive, and
entitlement does not guarantee competence and all Definition of a Minibus Module 1: Multiple Choice Theory Test and Hazard Perception Test. drive ‘for hire or reward’, if the organisation for whom they
minibus drivers have a duty of care to keep up to date Any vehicle with more than 8 passenger seats is defined as a are driving holds a valid Section 19 Standard Small Bus Permit,
with their knowledge and skill. PCV (passenger carrying vehicle). Module 2: Certificate of Professional Competence Case Studies Test. or a Section 22 Community Bus Permit.
This minibus driver handbook cannot cover every rule or A sub-category of the term PCV; any vehicle with between 9 Module 3: Practical Driving Test. B licence
every situation that the minibus driver will encounter and and 16 passenger seats is defined as a minibus. Module 4: Certificate of Professional Competence Practical Drivers who passed the car driving test after January 1997
were only issued with category B plus some minor categories
that is not our intention; however any suggestions for Demonstration Test. such as B1, f, k and p.
additions or changes to future editions will be welcomed This definition of a minibus, for licensing purposes, exists only B entitles the driver to drive a vehicle with up to 8 passenger
and should be offered by contacting The Road Safety within the UK. Drivers who acquired a D1 PCV licence before September 2008 seats and with a Maximum Authorised Mass (MAM) of no
are deemed to already hold an initial CPC but all drivers must
Solution Ltd at undergo 35 hours of Periodic CPC training every 5 years. more than 3.5 tonnes.
B licence holders may, however, drive a minibus if they comply
with the following restrictions.