Page 9 - TRSSL Handbook Flip
P. 9

being driven by volunteer drivers. There are no record keeping  Hiring Minibuses  • Before driving the minibus, in the presence of the hirer’s
 requirements under these rules.  representative, carry out a thorough check for any damage  Safety
 Many organisations will, sooner or later, need to hire a   or defects and check the for the presence of compulsory  Safety
 IMPORTANT: All drivers should be aware of the risks to passenger   minibus for their planned trip. It is unlikely that any   equipment such as a fire extinguisher and first aid kit.
 safety which can result from driving when tired. It is not sensible to  responsible hire company will rent out a minibus without   Failing to do this may result in the minibus being driven
 embark on a long trip after a full day’s work, whether that work   several requirements first being met.
 involves driving or not. Breaks should be built into journey planning -   illegally or your organisation being charged for damage  Daily Safety Checks
 aim to have a break from driving of at least 10 minutes every two hours.   caused by a previous customer.
 • Be prepared to produce both the plastic and counterpart
 Although drivers are not required to complete a record book if   licence of all drivers who will be driving the minibus.  • Remember that the driver is responsible for the  Is the vehicle you are about to drive safe? Regardless of who
 working solely within the UK, they must not exceed the maximum   roadworthiness of the minibus.  is responsible for the maintenance of a minibus, it is the driver
 permitted driving periods and must comply with the rest   • Determine whose insurance will cover the use of the  who is responsible for the roadworthiness of a minibus while it
 requirements.  minibus, the hire company’s or your organisation.  • Make sure you are familiar with all the controls,  is being driven.
           dimensions and weight of the minibus before leaving the  Every day of minibus driving should begin with a thorough
 Maximum driving period  5.5 hours  • Declare honestly the purpose for which the minibus is  hire company premises.  vehicle safety check. POWDER is an acronym that may be
 Minimum break  30 minutes or 45 minutes with 8.5 hours  being hired; some hire companies will not hire a minibus  used to cover the basics.
 that the client intends to use for commercial hire or  • Before returning the minibus make sure that all items
 Maximum daily driving  10 hours
 reward without extra conditions being applied.  belonging to your organisation, including the Section 19
                                                                     petrol or diesel; check the fuel type, where the filler is
 Maximum daily duty period  16 hours  Permit (if applicable), have been removed.  P
 • Make sure that you have the documentation for the hire             located and whether there is sufficient for the journey.
 For more advice on the commercial or international operation  agreement with you during the journey.
 of minibuses please contact The Road Safety Solution   Finally remembering the old adage, ‘leave it as you would          oil; this may include engine oil, brake fluid and power  • Make sure that you have the contact details for the hire  expect to find it’, make the effort to clean the minibus,            steering fluid.
                                                                      water; this includes engine coolant and windscreen
 company and information about what to do in the event  at least on the inside, before you hand it back.   W
 of a breakdown or collision.                                         washer fluid.
 • Tell the hirer if you intend to take the minibus outside the         damage; primarily look for significant damage that
 It is an offence for any person to consume alcohol while   UK. Extra documentation will be required and there will           might cause danger to others, but also for any damage
 travelling in a minibus! This regulation is worth emphasising at   also be a requirement for extra equipment to be installed           that might not have been reported by the previous user.
 the start of a journey rather than after consumption of alcohol   on the minibus.        electrics; this will include all the lights, wipers, horn and
 has commenced!                                                E
                                                                      reversing warning, if fitted.
                                                               R                                tread depth
                                                                   rubber; primarily check tyres for

 8                                                                (1mm),                                        9
                                                                  inflation, sidewalls. Also check wiper-blades, hoses,
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