Page 13 - TRSSL Handbook Flip
P. 13

Loading the Minibus  A driver with a ‘B’ category licence driving an overloaded 3.5   Roof racks significantly increase fuel consumption and
 Loading the minibus correctly is essential to maintain the   tonne minibus might be prosecuted for a) driving overloaded,   carrying weight on the roof will make the vehicle less stable.   On the Road
 stability of the vehicle, and therefore the safety of the   b) driving without the correct licence for the weight of vehicle and  Great care must be taken when cornering and braking.  On the Road
 passengers. It is also illegal to load the minibus to a weight   c) therefore driving without insurance.  An overloaded roof rack is extremely dangerous as the fixings
 beyond its Maximum Authorised Mass (MAM)  When loading the minibus make sure that you have:-  may fail and allow the roofrack to break free, particularly if
 1. Maximum authorised mass  • calculated that the Maximum Authorised Mass had not  harsh braking is necessary. Great care must be taken when   Speed Limits
 been exceeded.  loading and unloading roofracks.  It often involves potentially
 2. Maximum train weight (vehicle + trailer)                                      Single      Dual
 • parked in a safe place for passengers to embark.  hazardous manual handling and a risk assessment on working   Carriageway  Carriageway  Motorway
 3. Maximum front axle load
 • advised all passengers to wear their seatbelts.  at height is essential before anyone climbs onto the rack.
 4. Maximum rear axle load  • kept all walkways clear of luggage.  A fall from a minibus roof rack, typically around 3 metres, onto   Minibus  50mph  60mph  70mph *
 • secured any luggage inside the minibus.  a hard surface could easily cause serious injury or a fatality.  Minibus + Trailer  50mph  60mph  60mph
 Maximum Authorised Mass: The maximum weight that
 the minibus is allowed to weigh when fully loaded.  • arranged passengers and luggage to avoid overloading  Towing Trailers  * All minibuses built after 1st January 2005, and some earlier
 the front or back axle.
 The MAM of the minibus is recorded on a weight plate fitted   • avoided overloading the roof rack (maximum 95kgs on  minibuses, must be fitted with a speed limiter that restricts the
 to the minibus.It will record the MAM, the Train-weight   most minibuses)*  Before towing a trailer behind the minibus there are several   maximum speed to 100kph (62.14mph).
 (maximum weight with a trailer) and the maximum weight   • thoroughly secured any luggage on the roof rack.  things to consider:-  Restricted minibuses, and minibuses towing trailers, must not
 allowed to bear on each axle.  A waterproof cover will help.  • Is the driver licensed to tow a trailer? ‘B’ category licence  use the right hand lane of a 3 lane motorway.
 Kerb-weight: The weight of the minibus with all permanent   Generally most minibuses are not designed to carry a lot of   holders cannot tow any size trailer behind a minibus;  Bus Lanes
            drivers who have acquired a D1 PCV licence by test, and
 equipment and a full tank of fuel, but no driver, passengers  equipment or luggage. If your use of the minibus regularly   who have not previously held a D1+E (101) licence, have
 or luggage.  requires luggage to be carried, consider replacing the   to take a second test to acquire D1+E.  Vehicles with more than 8 passenger
 The kerb-weight can only be accurately assessed by weighing   rearmost seats with a luggage cage.   • Has the driver undertaken any training to tow a trailer?  seats are allowed to use bus lanes.
                                                               Minibuses should use all available
 the individual minibus on a weighbridge with a full tank of   For journeys that require a lot of equipment it may be safer to   Holding a valid licence does not prove competence!  bus lanes whether carrying passengers or empty.
 fuel. Once this has been done the weight should be recorded   carry this in a separate vehicle.
 for future reference. Subtracting the Kerb-weight from the   * Check manufacturer’s guidelines. Some minibuses should not  • Is the minibus insured to tow a trailer?  The exception is when a bus lane is designated for local
 MAM will give the maximum weight available for passengers   be fitted with a roof rack.  • Can the emergency door still open with the trailer attached?  service buses only. Local bus lanes are identified by the work
 and luggage. This weight should be made available for all   • Is there another emergency door available if the rear door  ‘local’ on the bus sign and should not be used by minibuses
 drivers with an allowance made for error. As a guideline 15   Roof Racks  is blocked by the trailer in the event of a crash?  unless the minibus is being used on a local service route.
 passengers each weighing 66.3kgs (10stone 5 lbs) will,   Some minibuses can be fitted with roof racks.  Roof racks   • Will the trailer, when fully loaded, still keep the
         together, weigh 1 tonne.  increases the space available for luggage but do not add to the   ‘train-weight’ for the minibus within its maximum
         Driving an overloaded minibus is unsafe and a criminal
 12  maximum permitted weight, so the weight loaded onto the   permitted train-weight?                         13
         offence.  rack must be included in the payload calculation.  • Is the trailer roadworthy?
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