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“THEY HAVE “ concedes keeping the campaign “We have employees with
HELPED TO fresh and interesting, and getting good paying jobs. It feels really
CHANGE SO new employees involved, is a good to know you’re taking care
MANY LIVES welcomed challenge year of the people who are in need,
IN WINDSOR- after year. because everybody might go
ESSEX, AND WE through something in life where
ARE INCREDIBLY “It is a great project for they are in need, so it is really
THANKFUL somebody to lead,” says reassuring to know that the
FOR THEIR DeMarco. “We don’t just see community is out there if you
DECADES OF it as a task, we also see it as need it - and to be helping out
OUTSTANDING a development opportunity when you don’t need it is part of
GENEROSITY. for somebody. So while the that ‘pay it forward’, I think.”
community is getting something
- L ORRAINE GODDARD, out of it, we are getting some “We have such an incredible
UNITED WAY’S CEO employees who are getting some partnership with Hiram Walker
growth, so it is good.” and so many other local
companies and unions,” says
And while they are more Lorraine Goddard, United Way’s
likely to use internal social CEO. “They have helped to
media today than the Spirit change so many lives in Windsor-
Picture Parade newsletter to Essex, and we are incredibly
share the United Way message thankful for their decades of
with its 300+ employees, what outstanding generosity.”
hasn’t changed is how the
campaign brings together people
from across the organization
that don’t normally have the
opportunity to work together.

8 | Magazine of United Way/Centraide Windsor-Essex County • Winter 2016 • Vol. 4
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