Page 17 - Buku ajar kelas X_komplit
P. 17
his mental and emotion. He must have strong mental and emotion controls, so he won't be easily
provoked by his opponents.
Osa is not only great at sports, but also has good academic achievements. He claims that sports
and his studies can run together, side by side and in balance. The most important thing is being
consistent and serious to achieve best results.
Adapted from: (August 25, 2022)
Before talking about a main idea, let's understand what context is. Context has an important role
for a writer to connect with his/her readers. A writer needs a context to make his/her writing easily
understood. In brief, a context builds clarity of the topic or message the writer wants to deliver. It
depicts the reasons why a writer writes a such text.
In the text about Osanando Naufal Khairudin, the writer wants the readers to learn how Osanando
works very hard to reach a good achievement. Implicitly, the writer invites the readers to fight for
their dreams.
What about a main idea? One of important skills you have to master is finding the main idea of a
paragraph. By mastering this skill, you can easily understand the message of every text you read.
However, it is as hard as making an inference or conclusion, finding the author's purpose, or
understanding new words in a context. An author uses the main idea of a paragraph to deliver the
topic or message of his/her writing. In conclusion, the main idea talks about what a paragraph or
text is about.
There are two types of main ideas, called a topic sentence and an implied main idea. In the first
type, you can catch the main idea quite easily as it is stated directly. You can get it from the first
or last sentence of a paragraph. It is supported by sentences that explain the details of the main
idea. Details in a paragraph give more information about the main idea, so the readers understand
the paragraph better. In the second type, the main idea is not expressed directly. You need to read
the paragraph thoroughly and pay close attention to specific words or sentences so that you can
decide the main idea correctly.
Adapted from: (August 30, 2022)