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            To: Inside Scoop Reader

                        How to Determine Pre-Stretch On Load For Any Machine!

            We know how important it is to make sure that the marriage between your value added stretch film and your stretch
            machine is producing the kind of performance and film economy that you are paying for, but how can you really know
            without spending an arm and a leg to find out?  Buying a Highlight Industries film test kit is a good place to start, but
            how do you go about holding a 10" wheel ( to measure prestretch on the load ) next to a roll of film traveling around the
            pallet on a rotary tower arm, or an octopus ring, or even on a battery powered robot stretch machine like the Wulftec
            Robot on our website?  The answer is that you can't, there has to be another way.  There are several calculators that
            have been designed to help you get the answer, and they work on any type of machine being wrapped with stretch film.
            The one that I most often use for getting the percentage of pre-stretch on the load is one designed in excel by Carla
            Kastl of Pliant Corp.

                                                The Pre-Stretch Calculator on the left is a working model.  Just click on the
                                                Calculator to bring it up on your web browser.  You may enter any numbers
                                                you wish to replace the black numbers and the red answers are automatically
                                                calculated.  You may then save it to your computer for future use.  If
                                                clicking on the Calculator does not result in a pop up in your browser, you
                                                may download the Calculator by going to the Inside Scoop Filing Cabinet as
                                                indicated below.

                                                The Calculator is a perfect answer to determining pre-stretch on load when
                                                  you cannot use a 10" wheel to put ink marks on the film as it is being applied
                                                to the pallet.

                                                Note that all you have to do is: (1) measure the pallet width and length.  It is
                                                not necessary to measure the height; (2) know the gauge, width, and footage
                                                of the stretch film you are using; (3) count the number of total rotations
                                                around the pallet as it is being wrapped; and ( 4 ) cut off the film from the
                                                wrapped pallet and weigh it.  Input this information into the indicated part
                                                of the calculator and behold your pre-stretch percentage on the load.

            It is important to know the percentage of prestretch on the load for a number of reasons.  If you are using a film that
            is capable of being stretched 250% or more on your machine, but you are only getting 175% stretch on load then you
            need to look at upgrading your pre-stretch rollers to a higher percentage, and ensure that the rollers are in good
            condition in order to improve your performance.  This upgrade can be as little as spending a $ 100.00, and can
            potentially save you hundreds or even thousands of dollars per year based on the number of pallets you wrap.  Another
            reason is that many of the better stretch films actually hold your pallet tigher when they are stretched further.  If
            you do not stretch them at a high enough percentage, they cannot perform at the levels for which they were designed.

            I would like to challenge you to use the calculator above to check your pre-stretch percentage on load and email the
            results back to me.  If we get enough feedback, we will review them in a future issue of the scoop.  No names will be

            file://C:\Documents and Settings\William Jackson\Local Settings\Temp\tmpA7.htm            10/21/2006
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