Page 22 - The Inside Scoop Archive
P. 22
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the film is applied, it is cut vertically and allowed to regain it's
rubber band by loosening it from the pallet corners. Pull the film
together again and measure the gap in inches between the two
loose edges. This represents the amount of snapback or rubber
band memory left in the film.
The Cut & Weigh Test gets us past the old smoke and mirror of
subjectivity, and provides us with real data as to the true cost to
wrap a pallet with stretch film. Just wrap the pallet exactly the
same with each film being evaluated, cut off the film and weigh
it on a postage scale. You can determine the film cost per ounce
by dividing the cost per roll by the number of pounds of net film
on the roll and again by the number of ounces in a pound. The
Cut & Weigh Test is really a Cost to Wrap evaluation. This is the
real bottom line as it gives you a handle on how much you will
have to spend per year to wrap your pallets with a particular
film. How can you plan an annual budget if you don't know what it
costs you to wrap your pallets?
Hey, this sounds easy to do, and it is. You just need to have the proper tools to do it. Highlight Industries
at sells a variety of test kits containing the various tools needed
to do your film evaluations. Here is an example of one and some of the tools included:
Highlight Film Test Kit 10" Wheel Force to Load Plate Scale to Weigh Film
By performing these film evaluations at set intervals, monthly, quarterly, etc; you will be able to make sure
that you are continuing to get the desired value from your stretch film and equipment.
file://C:\Documents and Settings\William Jackson\My Documents\Northwoods Software\... 10/13/2006